Ariel: No Name Under Heaven – Local Christian Editor Becomes Author

Richard Herkes, local anglican officiant and formerly the Publishing Editor at Kingsway Books has crossed over and become an author. Here is his introduction to the new venture.

No, this is not about the new release of The Little Mermaid, but my first novel. (Could be the last too!) After thirty years of languishing in the proverbial drawer as an idea, and three more since beginning writing during lockdown, I’ve finally completed Ariel: No Name Under Heaven. I guess if we must categorise it, it’s a sci-fi thriller with elements of fantasy, dealing with scientific and spiritual themes along the way.

It’s currently available as a Kindle digital book, but a printed version should follow shortly. (Warning: that will cost more – it’s a long book!)

I realise this may not be your sort of thing, but I thought you’d like to know. Readers so far have found it satisfying.

You can purchase it here (or read it for free if you have Kindle Unlimited):

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