The response has been enormous – we are now absolutely swamped and should have enough to see us through to the summer
We also have no more space to store any more – the collection times have passed but people have started dropping them off to their churches.
Thank you Thank you Thank You
Wow – what a response! We have been so inundated with Blankets, sleeping bags and coats that we have nowhere to store anymore. Thank you so much for all your generosity. Please do not bring or drop off anymore (If you have blankets and or sleeping bags and can hold on to them until we need them that would be awesome).
Some people have asked if they could make a cash donation. As a charitable voluntary organisation we rely on donations to enable us to continue to go out every Friday and Saturday night.
If you would like to make a one off or regular donation please send to:
Account Eastbourne Street Pastors
Sort 60 24 77
Number 19130007
Thank you all so much
Eastbourne Street Pastors