Dead Preachers Conference Launching in Eastbourne

Coming this summer: (July 5-6th) a new conference for preachers and Bible teachers hosted at Kings Eastbourne. With David Hilborn – Moorlands College and Chair of Evangelical Alliance Theological Advisory Group, John Woods – School of preachers, Natalie Williams – Jubilee+ and Ben Virgo – Christian Heritage London

If we preachers want to preach effectively now, we need to learn from the resources of the past, develop fresh skills for now, and look beyond the curve at the trends that are hurtling toward us. The conference seeks to take the past, present and future seriously, so that we can shape our biblical preaching so that it will communicate with freshness to our contemporary situation. This conference is open to any and all established, developing or wanna be preachers longing to develop their gift, we’d love you to join us.

For more information and to sign up visit

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