Looking for some time out to rest, refresh and refocus with God? Or to meet with a small group such as leadership team, Alpha group, book club, friendship group, prayer triplet or church homegroup?
Penhurst Retreat Centre is a small, friendly Christian retreat centre where a warm welcome is offered to all. Situated near Battle, East Sussex, in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, it is just 8 miles from the coast in the Sussex High Weald. The beauty, peace and comfort of this place create an ideal setting in which to draw closer to God and experience His love.
We currently have availability for individual and groups as follows:
• Monday 21 – Friday 24 May
• Friday 24 – Sunday 26 May *IDEAL FOR A GROUP*
• Tuesday 28 – Friday 31 May
See www.penhurst.org.uk for more information and booking, or contact the office on info@penhurst.org.uk or 01424 892088.
There are also spaces still available on the following upcoming led retreats:
Friday 24 May, 10am – 4pm: Touching the Hem of His Garment
Non-residential £50
Jesus said He came to heal the broken-hearted… This Healing Encounter day led by the Beauty from Ashes team, offers opportunity to engage with Jesus the Healer through worship, short talks, time for stillness and reflection, and optional one to one prayer ministry. Led by Carol Bostock and the Beauty from Ashes team.
Friday 31 May – Sunday 2 June: Praying In and Out
Residential £270 / Non-residential £175
To live well we need to be good both at breathing in and breathing out! And our life with God is the same. But it`s very human for us to over-focus on either praying in or praying out. This retreat looks at prayer in a broad sense and opens opportunity to find more balance in our life with God. We`ll explore how to receive from God as well as expressing ourselves to God; how to rest in as well as serving our loving Creator. Led by Val Freeman
Monday 3 June, 10am – 3pm: Quarterly Day of Prayer for the Mission
Do you have a heart for the nations? Do you know mission workers who need prayer support? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community. No charge but donations towards the cost of a light lunch would be appreciated.
Mon 10 – Thurs 13 June: New Directions – Transition and Change for Mission Partners
Residential £395 / Non-residential £245
This retreat/workshop is for full-time Christian workers returning to the UK after ministry overseas or for an extended home assignment. It provides an opportunity to `unpack` the transition process and issues around adjustment in a context of group discussion, reflection and prayer within the beautiful setting of the retreat centre. Led by Jack and Sandra Telfer
Friday 14 June, 10am – 4pm: Jonah – The Depth of God`s Grace
Non-residential £45
`Jonah and the Whale` could easily be viewed as a fairy tale or a fantasy – something that sits outside the main thrust of the Old Testament. But of course, it isn`t! It speaks of a sovereign God, who is rich in mercy, whose compassionate love for the lost then, remains the same today. Join us as we `plumb the depths` of this short but significant Old Testament book. Led by Rev Gary Cregeen.
Friday 14 – Sunday 16 June: Well-being weekend
Residential £270 / Non-residential £175
A well-being weekend is a safe and supportive space for people who feel or have felt overwhelmed, providing tools for self-management in a facilitated peer mentoring style setting. This weekend will cover subjects of perfectionism, shame and anger, using material from Kintsugi Hope. The sessions include group and individual activities designed to help participants accept themselves, understand their value and worth, and grow towards a more resilient and hopeful future. Led by Jason and Vicki Cottingham.
Friday 21 June, 10am – 4pm: Daring to Talk about Grief
Non-residential £45
A space for those whose bereavement was 6 months ago or longer (no upper limit – the death could have occurred 20 or more years ago) to connect with their grief in a supportive environment. The day includes input about common themes of the grieving process; opportunities to speak about your own experience in a small and safe group and some quiet time for reflection. You will not be expected to talk about anything you are not ready or willing to talk about. Led by Shirley Skrenty.
See www.penhurst.org.uk for more information and booking, or contact the office on info@penhurst.org.uk or 01424 892088.