Eastbourne Civic Prayer Breakfast – 22 March 2024
The Civic Prayer Breakfast is an annual event which connects the Eastbourne Church with key figures in the civic world of the town. It will be of interest to church leaders, Christian agencies and believers whose vocation involves work in the civic sector of local life. Those with a passion for prayer for the town will also find it helpful. Event ticket information can be found at the link below. The cost of the breakfast also includes a small amount to help pay for the administration of the event and an honarium to our speaker.
Church leaders can obtain a special discount rate
Full English Breakfast £15
Continental Breakfast £12
Feel free to adjust cost accordingly when you make payment.
Many thanks!
Your personal invitation to:
Eastbourne Civic Prayer Breakfast
To be held in:
The Floral Hall
Winter Garden, Compton Street
Eastbourne BN21 4BP
in the presence of
The Mayor Cllr. Candy Vaughan
on Friday 22nd March 2024
7.45am for 8am until 9.45am
Guest speaker:
Glen Scrivener
RSVP by Friday 22nd February
or email
Welcome to Eastbourne Civic Prayer Breakfast 2024
Prayer Breakfasts
There has been a National Prayer Breakfast in the Houses of Parliament for some years involving those in positions of leadership, and from this has grown a network of Breakfasts across the nation. The Eastbourne Breakfast grew out of the East Sussex Breakfast in the year 2000.
The Breakfast invites leaders from all walks of life in our town to meet, network, and hear how the Christian Faith can enrich our communities.
A welcome from the Chair and a greeting from the
Mayor Cllr. Candy Vaughan
A brief time of led prayer
The Speaker: Glen Scrivener
Close 9.45am
The fruit of righteousness will be peace.
The effect of righteousness will be
quietness and confidence for ever.
Isaiah 32:17
Glen Scrivener is an award winning author and filmmaker who speaks around the world about the intersection of faith and culture. Originally from Australia, Glen has lived in the UK for more than half his life. He was educated at Oxford and is now ordained in the Church of England. He was curate at All Soul’s Church, Eastbourne, where he and his family still worship.
Since 2010, Glen has been a speaker and mission thinker at Speak Life, an Eastbourne based Christian charity. In August 2014, he became Director. He has written 9 books including 321: The Story of God, the World and You and The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe In Freedom, Kindness, Progress and Equality.
Glen is passionate about people discovering Jesus and equipping Christians to live out and also share their faith. He’s often found speaking at Churches and Universities, producing online media in the studio, or in his office, writing books and other media material. Glen is married to Emma, and they have a daughter, Ruby, and a son, JJ.
(Park in College Road or nearby and enter through the College Road Car Park to access the Floral Hall in the Winter Garden)
But seek the welfare of the city…,
and pray to the LORD on its behalf,
for in its welfare you will find your welfare
Jeremiah 29:7
Grace Community Church Launches
A new gospel community in Sovereign Harbour is lauched on Sunday 21st January. The launch service starts at 10am. The church plant is in partnership with Kings Church Hampden Park and will be called Grace Community Church. Carl and Chrissie will be leading the church plant with a growing team of leaders. The vision is to glorify Jesus as we make disciples, build and transform community and live on mission.
We pray that God will unite us together as we become a new community of God’s grace, where people encounter the love of God, the saving power of Jesus and his gospel, and whole life transformation through the Holy Spirit, here on the harbour and the wider area.
We value the prayers of the wider Christian community as we step into this new venture.
Thank you,
Team Leader Grace Community Church
More on Holocaust Memorial Event
Eastbourne will commemorate Holocaust Memorial with a free event at 6:30pm on Saturday 27 January at the Welcome Building (next to the Congress Theatre), Carlisle Road, Eastbourne BN21 4BP.
This year’s theme is ‘The Fragility of Freedom’. The engaging programme includes testimonies of survivors, guest speakers, musical performances and poetry. The event will commemorate those who suffered in The Holocaust under Nazi Persecution, and in subsequent genocides such as those in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
book tickets button
Tickets for past events have sold out so it is essential that you book in advance to avoid disappointment. You can book this free event online or by contacting the Box Office 01323 412000
Eastbourne World Day Of Prayer – 1st of March
The World Day of Prayer service is to be held this year on Friday 1st March 2024 at Emmanuel Church Upperton Road Eastbourne at 2.30 pm. All are welcome, men, women and children of all ages to take part in this ecumenical event written this year by the Christian women of Palestine is entitled ” I beg you, bear with one another in love”.
With the situation in Gaza at present much prayer is needed and we hope to welcome as many people as possible.
Eastbourne World Day of Prayer Team
John’s Gospel Resource for Personal Faith Sharing
This excellent resource helps people meet Jesus as they read John’s Gospel.
There is a special link for church leaders who probably aren’t aware of/using The Word One to One. If you have a chance, could you please send it to any leaders in your church who might fit that bill? – –
Find out more at
Way of the Spirit Training Morning – February 24th
‘The Way of The Spirit’ training morning.
Saturday 24th February from 10am – 12.30pm
Conquerer Hall,
Horsa Close,
BN23 6TL
This is a free event and all are welcome.
The teaching will look at “Lift up your heads to the King of Glory” Psalms 24;7-9.
The event will feature Bible teaching from The Way of The Spirit teams and aim to revive and equip us for our calling. The meeting will include worship and prayer, and the opportunity to serve one another through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
For more information please visit/ contact:
Paul Veitch:
Mobile: 07776 788876