Seeing and Hearing – Your Church and Ministry to the Deaf

People who are Deaf need Jesus too, but also need to be able to have fellowship and join discipleship groups where people understand and share in BSL – a unique and beautiful visual language.

A BSL course for 6 weeks started at Victoria Baptist Church from Saturday 8th October.

On that same date the Welcome BSL Cafe also reopens as part of the larger Flow Cafe at Victoria, where those who are Deaf can meet old and new friends, share assorted refreshments, and join activities if they wish to do that.

Walking the Streets For The Stranger and The Orphan

A message from Jane Aldred

This year I have set myself the challenge of walking every street in Eastbourne, my home town, to raise money for the Enthum Foundation, an Eastbourne-based charity which provides a safe and sustainable home for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children aged 16-18. Please follow the link to learn more about Enthum and my reasons for wanting to support them, with your help.  Thank you so much.

Learn more

Jane Aldred

Matthew 25 Mission Invites you to Art Exhibit at Bluebell Barn in Arlington

Matthew25 Mission would love to welcome you, and your church congregations to the Bluebell Barn in Arlington, on Wednesday 14th September , 10am – 4pm for an art exhibition and homemade refreshments, all to raise money for the vital work Matthew25 does in our town, caring for the last, the least and the lost ( You can also visit the beautiful Bates Green Garden adjacent to the barn by booking tickets here:

Please find here the link to the poster below if you would like to print one out. Bates Garden Poster1

If you would like a physical copy sent to your church, please contact Sally Johnson on

Victoria Baptist Hosts Weekly Prayer for Ukraine Every Thursday

Victoria Baptist Church has strong links with Hope Lebedyn,a church group in a small, poor town in Ukraine where the local church continues its outreach to the community, amidst this war. They serve local Christians and their families but also refugees from Russian bombardment, homes for the elderly and an orphanage. The young pastor is seeing about 200 coming to their Bible study, and many to services daily, yet they are not so far from the Russian border. God has so far made provision for them and whatever they receive in foodstuff or practical items, those are shared with others in need including the local hospital, and families of those serving in their defence.

However, Needs grow as others made homeless then arrive in the area. Because the children are not allowed by law to go to school, or go out without parental oversight because of land mines – sometimes put in toys,- the children are suffering increasingly with stress and anxiety; and so there is still a great need to pray for our brothers and sisters there.

The church in Lebedyn continues to minister to local people and holds youth camps for all ages and a teenage Bible study group. The folk there are hungry for the word of God, and are always seeking more Bibles for all ages, in their own language.
There are many needs for prayer in these times but If this concerns you, and God lays it on your heart, there is a regular prayer meeting at Victoria Baptist Church on Thursday evenings for one hour from 7.30 pm.

In addition there is the following call to pray tomorrow Wednesday 24th especially for Ukraine as Russia has promised another attack, and is getting support and arms from Iran to do that. See the following link.

Living Out Course Comes To Eastbourne

Kings Church are pleased to be able to partner with Andrew Bunt and the Living Out team as we host the Living Out Course at the King’s Centre in Eastbourne. This should be an invaluable morning to help churches understand how to talk about sexuality in an honest, open and biblical way. We would encourage you to come along. Here’s an invitation from Andrew about the course:

I am a member of King’s Church Bexhill and also part of the team at Living Out (, a UK charity that exists to help people, churches and society talk about faith and sexuality.  I’m getting in touch to invite you and your church to join us at an event we are running ‘The Living Out Course’ in Eastbourne on Saturday 15th October, 9.00am-1.00pm.

At the Living Out Course, we seek to show Christians the goodness of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality, we offer some insight into how to engage with the perspectives of our secular culture, and we share practical advice on how to love same-sex attracted people well and make our churches places where those of us who are same-sex attracted can flourish. We do this through teaching, discussion, Q&A and testimonies from the Living Out team. The main event is for all Christians, but we are hoping to run a short additional session specifically for church leaders after a brief break for lunch. You can find out more about the course here and book in to the course here.

How to Pray for Children – Short Course

How to Pray for Children                                                          2 – 3 September

Do you long to pray for children but don’t know how?


Whether you are a parent, a parent to be, work in children’s ministry or would just like to find out more. Discover how to pray in an effective and safe way that will bring God’s wholeness and healing into the precious lives of the children you care for.

Find out more:

Christian Friends of Israel Invites You To Their Annual Conference

Christian Friends of Israel UK are holding their Annual Conference at Suncoast Church, Eastbourne, on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd September. It is free to attend and will take the usual format of four messages – one on Friday evening and three on Saturday.

The two guest speakers this year are: Jared Compton, assistant professor of Greek and New Testament Theology at Bethlehem College & Seminary, Minneapolis, USA; and Chris Sinkinson, lecturer on both the BA and MA courses at Moorlands College, Bournemouth.

Jared will present three of the four messages based on chapters 9 to 11 of the Letter to the Romans and Chris will present the other message based on his work in archaeology in Israel.

The conference is free to attend, with drinks provided during breaks but delegates need to bring their own packed lunch on Saturday.

The conference brochure can be found at:

Crowhurst Healing Centre Invites You To Their Thanksgiving Service

You are warmly invited to our Thanksgiving Day on Saturday 3rd September. Thanksgiving Day is like an open day with an emphasis on thanking God for His constant presence and His abundant goodness to us.

Whether you decide to join us for the whole day or come and go as you wish we pray that you would experience the tangible presence of God during your time with us.

There is no charge and no need to book but if you would like to let us know you are coming or require some more information please contact us on 01424 830204 or

If you can’t be here in person the Thanksgiving Service at 11am will be broadcast live from our YouTube channel @CrowhurstChristianHealingCentre

Thank you!