New Drop in Centre Needs Stackable Chairs

Kingdom Way Trust are looking for 15-20 stackable chairs for their new venue ‘The Way’ in Seaside Road where they will host the weekend drop-in centre for the street community and activities of other agencies and organisations. If your church happen to be changing chairs or have any spare to donate, please contact Roland Brown 07907 965325

Your Church and The Platinum Jubilee – Resources with a local flavour

Celebrate with your neighbours

Preparing to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June? HOPE Together, the Church of England, the Methodist Church and other partners have created a range of resources to help communities to celebrate. Local residents Les Moir, Catherine Butcher, Mark Bowater and Trevor Malcolm have all played a part in preparing the resources and getting them online. The resources can all be found at

A New Anthem

  • ‘Rise Up and Serve’ has been commissioned by HOPE Together and partners, written by Graham Kendrick, Mal Pope and Rend Collective and filmed at the Tower of London. The anthem was produced by Eastbourne resident Les Moir from the Word & Worship Trust.


Souvenir gift book

  • Our Faithful Queen – a 64-page book full of photos showing the Queen through her life. This souvenir gift book is based on the prayers the Queen prayed in preparation for her Coronation. The book was written by another Eastbourne resident Catherine Butcher for HOPE Together.

Celebrate by serving others

  • 70 Acts of Service’ is an invitation to communities to celebrate the Queen’s 70 years of service by serving others – the 70 ideas are for individuals, small groups and whole communities.


Street Parties


Resources for young people

  • On Her Majesty’s Service’ for 11-14s – seven ready-to-use sessions for youth organisations, schools and uniformed organisation produced by youth specialists from a whole range of organisations.


Gift book for toddlers and children


We hope these resources will help communities to celebrate the Queen’s 70 years of faith and service. Our dedicated website is a one-stop-shop with all the ideas and resources needed.


Kind regards


Catherine Butcher

Pause for a Quiet Day at Crowhurst

Author and director of Christian Healing Mission, Rev John Ryeland is leading a Quiet Day at Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre on 13th May called “Enjoy the presence of God”.

This affirming Quiet Day will help you recapture a sense of your immense value to God.  Join us in house £40 per person (including lunch and refreshments) or online at £20 per person.  Book 01424 830204 or visit our website


Mercy UK offering Eastbourne training for their discipleship course

Mercy UK – Keys to Freedom Facilatator training course is being held at Kings Church Eastbourne Saturday 21st May. 10am-4.30pm

Keys to Freedom is an interactive discipleship course run over 8 weeks , designed to serve individuals and the Church, arming the body of Christ with tools to live free and stay free.

The full day training includes sessions on:

– An overview of Keys to Freedom
– Exploring the role of a facilitator
– An overview of potential obstacles and outcomes
– Practical steps to building upon pastoral care within the Church

More information and booking

Kingdom Way Trust Seeks Variety of New Volunteers

Kingdom Way Trust has a number of opportunities for volunteers to use their skills and serve others

Woodworking and/or life skills  to support people at Hope Woodwork
Hope Woodwork is getting an increasing number of people wanting to attend and benefit from the woodwork and life-skills training on offer. We would love to help more people get back into the routine of work and gain the confidence to operate in a workplace environment.

If you have interest in supporting people on their journey into work, please contact Ray, the Hope Woodwork manager. It’s great is you have some practical or woodworking skills to offer, but if not, training can be provided. Enthusiasm and a passion to see people develop and progress, go a long way!
Ray  07546 256411

Serving refreshments and chatting to guests at the Weekend Drop-in
We are pleased to now have the new venue in Seaside Road and new supervisors in place to re-start the Weekend Drop-in centre. We are looking to expand the team of volunteers to serve refreshments and chat to guests who come in. This can be an occasional session on a Saturday or Sunday every few weeks or a more regular session dependant on your availability.

Please contact Graham for more details of what’s involved.
Graham  07484 152210

Cooking meals for former rough sleepers
A wonderful team of cooks has been providing weekly meals for former rough sleepers who have been provided with temporary accommodation. The meals are very much  appreciated but also provide a great opportunity for conversation and support of the residents, by those who deliver the food.

If you enjoy cooking and would like to join the team who prepare meals approximately every couple of months on a rota basis, please contact Roland for more details.
Roland 07907 965325

For those connected to churches or other groups where there may be people willing to use their gifts to support people through any of the above opportunities, please do let them know.

Help Your Church Children with Exam Anxiety

Hello there,

Exam time is almost here- are the young people you support beginning to feel the pressure?

Youthscape have a great new event coming up helping young people regain control over their anxiety during this season.

On 16th May they are holding a live, 45 minute YouTube chat for Young People run by the Youthscape mental health team.



During the session we’ll be looking at:

·      What anxiety actually is, why we have it and how it can help us

·      Super easy ways to calm ourselves down when our anxiety kicks in

·      Ideas around how to look after yourself during this time


Get your questions ready and we will see you there.


Safe Families Seeks Community Volunteer Maanager

Facing life alone is hard, and when you feel there is no one there to support you it is a scary place to be.

Therefore, at Safe Families we exist to create relationship and connection, offering support, hope and belonging to improve the lives of those in our communities because everyone deserves to belong.  

The position of Community Volunteer Manager offers a great opportunity to join the staff team in our fast-growing charity. This will be a demanding but also highly rewarding role offering the successful candidate the opportunity to make a real impact in the lives of isolated families.

We are looking to recruit a new Community Volunteer Manager for Safe Families in East Sussex. Safe Families is a Christian Charity that seeks to empower and release the potential in the church to bring connection and belonging to families in their local community. We really want to get the right person for this important role so would like as many people as possible to be made aware of the vacancy.

Find out more below


Eastbourne Foodbank Seeks Campaigns and Communications Officer

Eastbourne Foodbank has an exciting vacancy within our campaigns team for a Campaigns and Communication Officer.

If you are confident with all forms of social media, can produce good punchy articles for a local newspaper and be confident to speak to groups of people about the work of Foodbank we would love to meet you.

You would obviously need to be in sympathy with the anti poverty work we do and feel that you can contribute creatively to our work.

Application pack from :

Christian Men’s Breakfast for May Announced

The next Christian Men’s Breakfast is on the 14th May at the Royal Eastbourne Golf Club at 8.00, when Dr Helen Rufus-Ward will be sharing her Thought for the Day.  I first met Helen when she worshiped at St John’s, she has since moved on to a new church.  She is a lady full of life and fun and I am sure you will experience an excellent talk, should you wish to know more about Helen, her website is,

For newcomers, the breakfast is a full English breakfast served buffet style, enabling you to choose what you wish to eat, the cost is £12.00, an increase this month of £2 due to the cost of living increases both for businesses and ourselves.  The breakfast remains good value.

The breakfast starts promptly at 8.00 to finish at 9.00, please arrive around 7.50 to collect a coffee or tea from the drinks station and find a seat.

For any new comers who might be interested in attending please give me a call.  For our regular attendees, if you are unable to attend, please give me your apology by midday, the Thursday prior to the breakfast, the number I submit is the number I am charged for.  I do hope to see you there.

June 8th speaker is Colin Luck who worships at St Elisabeth’s Church.

God Bless

(M) 07808 731166
(H) 01323 749329