Basic Foundations for ‘Remote’ Church

Imagine a scenario where physical distancing is relaxed a little, in maybe 6-8 weeks, but ‘normal business’ is not resumed for some months after that. The flurry of livestreaming, WhatsApp and Zoom meetings that are part of our current response will stand us in good stead. But soon we will want to take a deep breath and think through how we can make sure that all of our congregation can experience various types of connection.

The phone is a part of that . Many churches will also have email lists or Faceboook pages. Updating those and ‘filling in the gaps’ re phone numbers might be a good use of time for key church admin staff. To help you do that and understand what media might work for your congregation you might want to create a form that people can complete. Some can be emailed it. There will be others you can call and complete the form for them during the conversation. You could put it on the church website for downloading and emailing.

Download a sample form below. It is based on material from a Surrey church (Open Door). You can insert your church details and edit it as you see fit.

Sample Internet connectivity questionnaire

More building blocks next week

Churches online – Virtual Toddler Groups

Several Eastbourne churches have services and resources online. Loneliness is not just an issue for older people but sometimes a major challenge for young mums and families. Conversation and connection help bring hope and perspective.

For example: Holy Trinity Church have a YouTube page ‘Holy Trinity Media’ with HT Club for toddlers livestreaming as well as their Sunday services.

Could your church young mums do something similar? The video app would be ideal for this and can be password protected so that you can send the invite to existing members at first, before letting them invite other friends.

Connecting Eastbourne Churches – You Can Participate

These news updates are currently connecting around 1,000 local Christians including 70 with church leadership responsibilities and a similar number who lead local ministries. We are keen to serve the whole church across the spectrum of denominations. If you have a contribution to make, please email us with news of how your church is responding to Covid-19 and any Good Samaritan stories you may have to help encourage others.