Churches Together for Eastbourne are planning to hold a ‘Prayer for Eastbourne’ Zoom online prayer event on Saturday 23rd January 2021. It will start at 9am and finish at 1pm. Four Churches will help host the event and contributors will come from several others across the town, with each host church facilitating prayer around the topics shown below.
You can register for the morning of prayer here – this will also enable you to receive Zoom information if you are not already on our email list and help us plan the overall event.
The plan for the morning is as follows:
9-10am Church and Agencies; hosted by St Johns/St Michaels
10-11am Young People and schools; hosted by The Well Community Church
11am-12 midday Local Government and Agencies; hosted by St Marys Church, Old Town
12-1pm Families and the Elderly; hosted by Gateway Church
Kings Church are helping with the technical hosting.
Please reserve the date and promote the event. You can download the artwork above here. You can register for the morning of prayer here
Dave Roberts
On behalf of the Churches Together Eastbourne Team