Crowhurst Thanksgiving Day – 8th July

You are warmly invited to Thanksgiving Day at Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre on Saturday 8thJuly. 

 The theme for Thanksgiving Day is ‘The God of surprises’.  He meets us at our point of need and gently draws us to Himself and transforms us moment by moment into all we were created to be – like Him.

As ever, throughout the day we will be celebrating God’s abundant goodness and hearing some stories of God encounter moments at CCHC. 

 If you have never been to a Thanksgiving Day at CCHC before, it’s very much like an open house.  You are welcome to come and go as you please and the house and grounds are open for you to explore and enjoy.  There will be a Thanksgiving Service at 11am followed by a complimentary ploughman’s lunch and plenty of tea and coffee served at different points throughout the day. 

 The 11am Thanksgiving Service will also be on Zoom for those unable to attend in person.

 There is no charge for the day and no need to book but please contact us on 01424 830204 if you have a question about the day, you need the Zoom codes or if you would like to tell us you will be coming. 


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