For I Was Hungry – Civic Prayer Breakfast to Address Food Poverty

Please find enclosed information about the forthcoming Civic Prayer Breakfast event and a link to the full booking form. Please fill this out so that we can sort out table planning, your choice of breakfast food and other key information. You will also find payment information there and at the foot of this email.

Eastbourne Civic Prayer Breakfast 2025. (March 28th – Winter Gardens, 7.45 – 9.45 am.)

To help us with the catering and planning we ask you to book by Feb 28th. The cost is £25 (£26 if paying by card). This mainly covers your food on the day and also helps us pay the speaker and cover our small incidental costs.

(Councillors and School guests should put in code Special25 to obtain their free space).

There has been an annual Prayer Breakfast in the Houses of Parliament for many years. The tradition has also been  now been established in Eastbourne for 25 years. Guests regularly include the Mayor and other leading civic figures.

Our speaker this year is Natalie Williams, the CEO of Jubilee+, a national resource for local churches as they respond to poverty and social need. Natalie is the Hastings based CEO of Jubilee+ and the author of several books including The Myth of the Undeserving Poor.

Jubilee+ want to see churches that change the lives of those in poverty in their communities. It is based on their belief that poverty and justice are vital concerns to Jesus who aimed much of his energy towards the oppressed, vulnerable and marginalised. They believe that local churches and individual Christians should be mercy-bringers in their communities, especially to those who are trapped in poverty.

As well as eating together we will hear more about social need in Eastbourne, prayer from local participants in social compassion projects and a song of blessing. There will be biblical insight and practical strategies from Natalie.

We are adding an exhibition to this years event as a resource to our guests but also as a form of visual storytelling as to the extent of the engagement of our local churches with social need in their neighourhood. We will write to all who book a paid ticket for the event with information on how they might be part of the exhibitionif they have community facing events and ministry.

Booking Form

Payment Information

Sort Code: 23-05-80
Account number: 44826747
Name on account: Eastbourne Civic Prayer Breakfast

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