Glyndley Manor Events September 2024

 Restoration Week 4: Rediscovering Identity                                   6-12 SEPTEMBER

 For many of us there is a very real struggle to fully know who we really are, maybe even carrying a sense of losing ourselves along life’s way and living in a state of confusion, frustration or just not quite able to settle with life, others or ourselves.

This course not only gives you the biblical understanding of identity and being a unique and personal creation of God’s, but also the time to explore your God-given identity in a safe and loving environment. Taking time to see how your true self may have been crushed, distorted or hidden, there will be times of creative expression and prayer ministry to allow God to reveal hidden depths of your personhood long-forgotten or never fully realised whilst casting off attributes wrongly assumed to be who you are.

The course will also develop the theme into understanding living within God’s purpose and plans for you as an individual and how to grow into fulfilling your unique mission, goal and destiny.

Find out more: Restoration Week 4: Rediscovering Identity – Ellel UK Courses


Healing from Accidents and Trauma (Explore B6)      13-14 SEPTEMBER

This course explores our inner response and the outworking of shock and trauma that can cause untold damage to a person, body, soul and spirit, defining what it really means to be broken inside and how healing on the inside can outwork in miraculous healing on the outside too.

Jesus promised to ‘bind up the broken hearted’ and we know from many years of seeing Him do so, that He can bring wonderful restoration and healing from ongoing issues of fear, anxiety, physical conditions and many other issues that hold you back from living in freedom.

Find out more: Explore B6: Healing from Accidents and Trauma – Ellel UK Courses

Restoring the Human Spirit (Explore A7)
               27-28 SEPTEMBER 

This course is designed to explore the function and purpose of our human spirit which brings revelation that opens doors to healing opportunities never explored before.

Based on biblical examples, we will look at how our human spirits can be damaged in various ways. It will also challenge our responses to this damage that can cause us ongoing hurt, pain and life struggles, often leaving us with a sense of constant inner distress and overwhelm.

Looking at how our human spirit encompasses our God-given identity, our creativity and the place of connection with God, this is a vital topic that can radically change how you approach dealing with the issues you face in life.

With this shift of understanding, Jesus can enter into the very core and deep places of our hearts to outpour his healing, bringing true and lasting transformation of our lives.

Find out more:  Explore A7: Restoring the Human Spirit – Ellel UK Courses

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