Do you have a well tended garden, an allotment plot or the seed of an idea for creating a community garden, perhaps even in the grounds of your church?
The experiences of others may be a great guide to you as you move forward. One of the most experienced churches in these matters is found at Hazelnut Community Farm, a groundbreaking project in Bristol. See below for more on them.
He will be speaking at the Gather Community Garden at 6.30 pm, to make the most of the natural light. The time will start with a simple meal together. If you are able to bring a contribution of food and enough to share with others, on your own plates, that would be great. We will have some salads, bread, etc and refreshments available.
We’re looking forward to a good and relaxing time together around the table.
Perhaps you could let Sharon know at if you are able to be there for the event on the 25th.