MakeLunch @ St B’s is a project that has been running since the summer of 2018, using St Barnabas Church in Langney.
Overseen by The Well Community Church and with volunteers from churches across the town, the project feeds hungry children and their families each school holiday. As well as providing a hot, nutritious meal children make a craft, parents have a chance to sit and relax and ‘the church’ has the opportunity to connect and make a difference in people’s lives.
The project is part of Transforming Lives for Good, a national charity that supports local churches to make a difference in their communities. (
As we go into the Easter Holidays and looking ahead to summer, we are in need of more volunteers. Help is needed to set up the dining hall, assist with the craft, help in the kitchen, serve the food, engage the families or wash up. We normally run once in half terms, twice at Easter & Christmas and 6/8 times over the summer.
If you can give a few hours to help, please contact Julie Smith from The Well on 07882 497078 to find out more.