Pray Eastbourne – Hampden Park & Willingdon

Join us on Saturday 10th August meet at St Mary’s Willingdon at 9.45 to walk and pray for Willingdon Trees Community Centre, Oakwood, Heron Park, Eastbourne Academy and Ratton Schools, East Sussex College and St Mary’s Hampden Park, The Broadway, St Peter’s, Gateway and St George’s Churches … bring a packed lunch … finishing back at St Mary’s Willingdon by 2.30pm for refreshments. 

See pray Eastbourne website for details of the route and timings.


PRAYER EVENT: All Saints Church in Grange Road –  Sunday 1st September at 6.30pm

Calling all Eastbourne area Christians to join together in fervent prayer … Together we ask God to unite our hearts, to raise his people up, to empower us with confidence and boldness to bring the gospel to our town, to open hearts, to bring blessing and salvation especially to those lost in misery and pain and pouring out his Holy Spirit

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