Prayer Walk Old Town (north) – Saturday 8th June

Christians from all churches are invited to pray God’s mercy and blessing over the north Old Town area of Eastbourne.

Start from the Co-op in Albert Parade (Green Street) at 10.30 am3.5 miles.  Estimated time: Two hours.  Walk to include Pashley, Ocklynge, Ratton and Cavendish Schools, East Sussex College, St Gregory’s, St Elisabeth’s, Victoria Baptist and Old Town Community Churches, shopping areas, care homes and residential streets.  Just turn up.

Bring your Eastbourne Prayer Resource if you have one.  There may be some left at your church!  Also available on the day.

The momentum of prayer is rising!

We will prayer walk the south area of Old Town (Albert Parade to Gildredge Park etc) on Saturday 21st September.

More info about Pray Eastbourne 2024, check out the website / facebook: (20+) Facebook / Contact Martyn Relf

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