Glydley Manor Teaching Events

Find out more about these events at

EXPLORE A1: The Abundant Christian Life 21-22 February

50% OFF – Why not come and see if Explore is right for you?!

Living the Christian life offers us many promises, yet we can easily feel stuck or dry in our relationship with God. We can look at others who seem to be thriving and feel bad because we can’t overcome our personal life issues.
This course is all about hope. Hope for freedom from the past and hope for abundant life in the future. The teaching will look at possible roots of issues in our lives, explore God’s passionate heart to heal, how that was expressed through the life of Jesus and how He is still the God who heals!

Connect 1

26 February

We talk more nowadays about connection than ever before, often in terms of connecting to the internet or mobile signal. Connecting to the heart of God can have similar frustrations…Throughout this day there will be plenty of opportunity for guided and creative projects aimed at facilitating a deeper connection with God and allow Him to speak directly into your heart. ‘I will give you back your health and heal your wounds’, says the Lord. Jer 30:17
Find out more: Click here

Restoration Week 2 – Rediscovering Identity 28 Feb – 6 Mar

Restoration Weeks are an insightful blend of teaching and ministry, designed to build you back up from a place of woundedness into renewal.

This course not only gives you the biblical understanding of identity and being a unique and personal creation of God’s, but also the time to explore your God-given identity in a safe and loving environment. Taking time to see how your true self may have been crushed, distorted or hidden, there will be times of creative expression and prayer ministry to allow God to reveal hidden depths of your personhood long-forgotten or never fully realised whilst casting off attributes wrongly assumed to be who you are.

Coffee Morning FREE 4 March
Every month we have a coffee morning, with our well stocked bookshop and inviting grounds, all are welcome to come “taste and see” that the Lord is good! From 10am until 12 why not invite a friend along, or just come and meet some new friends during this time!

Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January

Eastbourne’s Holocaust Memorial Day event will take place on Monday 27 January 2025, 6.30pm to 8:30pm at the Welcome Building, Carlisle Rd, Eastbourne, BN21 4BP (next to the Congress Theatre).

The event will commemorate those who suffered in The Holocaust under Nazi Persecution, and in subsequent genocides such as those in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. It will be a varied programme of musical performance, poetry, and guest speakers. Together we must challenge prejudice and hatred to create a better future.

Entry is Free and there is no need to book in advance. If you have access requirements you should contact Eastbourne Theatres Box Office on 01323 412000.

Week of Prayer Reminder

I am writing to you to invite you to contribute to our Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service that will be held on the 25th of January, beginning at 12.30pm with lunch followed by a service, at St Barnabas, Langney, who’s home team kindly host us.

This year, the theme is ‘Do you believe this?’, due to the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed. For more information please see here:

A group of inter-denominational churches in the east side of Eastbourne have been having this service for the past two years. This will be our third year, and we would like to widen the invitation. We have had roman catholics, methodists, anglicans, free-church, united reformed members and more – the more the merrier!

The way we have shared in each other’s gifts and treasures from our different tradition in worship of the one Lord Jesus that unites us all is to create an act of worship made up of authentic ‘parts’ that we stitch together.

You do not need to contribute to the service, and you can simply attend. However, we would love for a wide variety of Christians to share as part of our service. If you would like to contribute we would ask that you consider one of the following:

  • A prayer station / installation set up around the room for people to interact with as they wish before and after the service.
  • A piece of sung worship.
  • A reflection / short preach (5-8 mins or under) on the text of this year’s theme (John 11) or an artwork connected to John 11.
  • A short (5-8 minutes or under) prayer time/exercise to lead us in, with guidance, remembering many may not be familiar with your traditions.

When we pray together we fulfil a piece of Jesus’ own prayer that we might be one in John 17. Coming together is pleasing to God and gives him the glory: it is good that we do this! Remember too, that we agree on much more than that which divides us. It’s ok to not participate in a prayer activity if you do not feel comfortable, or if you hear something you wouldn’t hear in your church. We are all contributing in an authentic way, and so we have to be gracious with one another in our difference.

We also like to gather greetings from senior figures in our respective denominations. This year, we think we will publish short letters of greeting in the order of service. So if you can contact your senior pastor / bishop / circuit leader etc ahead of the service for a short epistle of greeting, we would be glad to include it.

Please share the attached poster in your churches, even if you yourself cannot come. It’d be great for many different christians can come along to share together.

If you are coming, it would be great to have a sense of the size of your group if this is possible for catering and such. Please do let me have whatever information you can manage.

I wish you a holy Advent and a very happy Christmas when it comes,

Fr. Danny Pegg

The Revd. Danny Pegg
Associate Vicar for Mission and Discipleship
The Parish of Hampden Park & The Hydneye and The Parish of Willingdon
01323 659993

Street Pastors Swamped With Help Request Response

The response has been enormous – we are now absolutely swamped and should have enough to see us through to the summer

We also have no more space to store any more – the collection times have passed but people have started dropping them off to their churches.

Thank you    Thank you    Thank You

Wow – what a response! We have been so inundated with Blankets, sleeping bags and coats that we have nowhere to store anymore. Thank you so much for all your generosity. Please do not bring or drop off anymore (If you have blankets and or sleeping bags and can hold on to them until we need them that would be awesome).

Some people have asked if they could make a cash donation. As a charitable voluntary organisation we rely on donations to enable us to continue to go out every Friday and Saturday night.

If you would like to make a one off or regular donation please send to:

Account Eastbourne Street Pastors
Sort 60 24 77
Number 19130007

Thank you all so much
Eastbourne Street Pastors

Heart Attack Life saving Skills For Your Church

The Sussex Heart Charity is proud to announce the launch of ‘Rescue Ready’, an exciting new project that supplies free AED/CPR awareness sessions to local community groups across the whole of Sussex.

The project is funded by the Sussex Heart Charity and is delivered in partnership with award-winning Pulse South Coast. The sessions are free and are suitable for anyone (of any age) who would like to learn essential lifesaving skills.

Every second counts in a cardiac emergency and the aim of the project is to empower local communities and teach essential lifesaving skills, so that everyone has the confidence and knowledge to be ‘rescue ready’

‘Rescue Ready’ is a community initiative, and we’d like to project to reach as many people as possible. We are a small charity and would really appreciate it if you could ‘spread the word’ to any eligible groups or clubs in your church community. The project is open to non-profit organisations, CICs, social enterprises and charities, so small church groups and clubs could be an ideal fit and would hopefully benefit from the project.

The application process is now open, and sessions are currently available until September 2025. All information (including eligibility criteria) can be found on the SHC website:

If you’d like any additional information, please do let me know.

With your help, we can make sure the project raises AED/CPR awareness in Sussex and benefits our local communities.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Latest Events at Glyndley Manor

FREE Coffee & Cake morning, 10-12am                                             7 January

Why not bring a friend and enjoy a cuppa in our lovely lounge Room and beautiful grounds.  We also have a wellstocked Christian Bookshop open!

Restoration Week 1 – Rescue from Rejection                 24-30 January

Restoration Weeks are an insightful blend of teaching and ministry, designed to build you back up from a place of woundedness into renewal. Ellel Glyndley Manor runs four different Restoration Weeks every year, each having a different teaching theme woven in.

If you feel like you are living in a struggle of needing affirmation, feeling lonely or isolated or just don’t fit and or belong, then this course will offer you hope and a way forward into a life of acceptance and belonging as you firmly take your place within the family of God.

Find out more: click here

FREE Taster Day                                                                      1 February

The day will explore the biblical principles and the heart of God for restoration of our lives and how healing is an essential part of the discipleship process. 

This taster day is designed to be a gentle introduction to the subjects of Christian healing and discipleship and to the work of Ellel Ministries.

Find out more: Click here

Invitation to the Week of Christian Unity

I am writing to you to invite you to contribute to our Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service that will be held on the 25th of January, beginning at 12.30pm with lunch followed by a service, at St Barnabas, Langney, who’s home team kindly host us.

This year, the theme is ‘Do you believe this?’, due to the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed. For more information please see here:

A group of inter-denominational churches in the east side of Eastbourne have been having this service for the past two years. This will be our third year, and we would like to widen the invitation. We have had roman catholics, methodists, anglicans, free-church, united reformed members and more – the more the merrier!

The way we have shared in each other’s gifts and treasures from our different tradition in worship of the one Lord Jesus that unites us all is to create an act of worship made up of authentic ‘parts’ that we stitch together.

You do not need to contribute to the service, and you can simply attend. However, we would love for a wide variety of Christians to share as part of our service. If you would like to contribute we would ask that you consider one of the following:

  • A prayer station / installation set up around the room for people to interact with as they wish before and after the service.
  • A piece of sung worship.
  • A reflection / short preach (5-8 mins or under) on the text of this year’s theme (John 11) or an artwork connected to John 11.
  • A short (5-8 minutes or under) prayer time/exercise to lead us in, with guidance, remembering many may not be familiar with your traditions.

When we pray together we fulfil a piece of Jesus’ own prayer that we might be one in John 17. Coming together is pleasing to God and gives him the glory: it is good that we do this! Remember too, that we agree on much more than that which divides us. It’s ok to not participate in a prayer activity if you do not feel comfortable, or if you hear something you wouldn’t hear in your church. We are all contributing in an authentic way, and so we have to be gracious with one another in our difference.

We also like to gather greetings from senior figures in our respective denominations. This year, we think we will publish short letters of greeting in the order of service. So if you can contact your senior pastor / bishop / circuit leader etc ahead of the service for a short epistle of greeting, we would be glad to include it.

Please share the attached poster in your churches, even if you yourself cannot come. It’d be great for many different christians can come along to share together.

If you are coming, it would be great to have a sense of the size of your group if this is possible for catering and such. Please do let me have whatever information you can manage.

I wish you a holy Advent and a very happy Christmas when it comes,

Fr. Danny Pegg

The Revd. Danny Pegg

Associate Vicar for Mission and Discipleship

The Parish of Hampden Park & The Hydneye and The Parish of Willingdon

01323 659993