Prayer – Resting in His Presence

HOPES are pleased to announce The Treasure Room

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21)

We are so excited to be opening up Sunday evenings at the Bexhill Coach House with a time of quiet, medatative led prayer from 6:30pm-8pm each week beginning Sunday 18th June. This is an opportunity to silently set our hearts gaze on Jesus, “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). During this time there will be the opportunity to meditate on the Word of God, to wait on Him, and listen for His still, small voice….glorifying Him in our hearts and remembering His Presence in all we do.

We want this to be a space for Jesus to lay His head – a place where we express our loving attention for loves own sake towards God. So if you’re hungry for more of God or simply want to come and rest in His Presence, please come and join us in the Treasure Room sessions each Sunday, you will be so welcome! ????

Please could you forward this to those who you feel may be interested and possibly put it in your notices for Sunday. It would be great if we knew who were coming, so please let us know if you are.

Also, Just a reminder,

We are open 10am – 4pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for individual/group prayer.

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