News from Churchworks
As East Sussex is one of the 75 areas across England where the Government are launching family hubs, we would like to invite you to this online meeting in Sept.
Its a personal invitation to the Gather Movement and Churchworks Commission online Family Hubs webinar with Andrea King, Director of the National Centre for Family Hubs, on Thursday 22 September 10-11am.
The government-funded roll-out of Family Hubs will provide a ‘one-stop shop’ of important family support services across social care, education, mental health and physical health needs in each Local Authority, targeting especially the first 1,001 critical days of a child’s life and school readiness. The funding criteria specifically states that Family Hubs should involve local voluntary and faith groups. This provides us with a unique opportunity to engage.
This webinar is your opportunity to see how churches in your area can get involved to support families in your communities during these challenging times.
You will leave with a clear way forward about how to collaborate with other churches, how to start a conversation about Family Hubs with your Local Council’s Children’s Services Director, and the possibilities to co-design services in the new Family Hubs together with public services and the NHS.
You may also like to pass this invitation on to another church leader who might want to register for this event. To register, simply reply to or go to Zoom and we will send you the zoom link for the webinar meeting.
We do hope you will be able to join us for this significant opportunity to see a united church play its part in serving our communities.