Crowhurst Healing Centre invite you to ‘Enjoy the Presence of God’

To celebrate the launch of Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre’s (CCHC) new Facebook page Quiet Days, in July, are at the reduced price of £25 for a Day Guest & £10 online.  Quiet Days offer space and time to press pause and like Samuel, begin to recognise God’s voice.  Guided by an experienced leader, Quiet Days are for people who are looking for space to recharge their spiritual batteries. The day includes led reflections on a theme, worship, time for personal prayer, use of the facilities (including the fully equipped art room) and a 2 course lunch plus morning and afternoon refreshments.

To claim this special offer, simply book online or phone 01424 830204.  CCHC’s Quiet Days soon include:

29th July

“Enjoying the presence of God”

What does God think when he looks at you? What goes through his mind?

Join us for this affirming day together to recapture a sense of your immense value to God, reassess your image of him and discover how you can encounter him every day for the rest of your life.

Led by John Ryeland (Christian Healing Mission)

Please visit our brand new Facebook page to keep up to date with all our news:

Bill Owen To Speak at Men’s Breakfast

The next Christian Men’s Breakfast is on the 13th August at the Royal Eastbourne Golf Club at 8.00, when Bill Owen will be sharing his Thought for the Day.  Bill is a Church Warden and Lay Reader at All Saints Church in Eastbourne.

For newcomers, the breakfast is a full English breakfast served buffet style, enabling you to choose what you wish to eat, the cost is £12.00, cash if possible, but cards will be taken if required.  A payment station will be set up as you come into the Millennium Lounge.
The breakfast starts promptly at 8.00 to finish at 9.00, please arrive around 7.45 to collect a coffee or tea from the drinks station and find a seat.  With the increased number of guests an early arrival does help to smooth entry.
For any new comers who might be interested in attending please give me a call.  For our regular attendees, if you are unable to attend, please give me your apology by midday, the Thursday prior to the breakfast, the number I submit is the number I am charged for.  I do hope to see you there.
Our September speaker on the 10th is James Knowles the Vicar of All Saints Church Eastbourne.
God Bless
(M) 07808 731166
(H) 01323 749329

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Food Provision for Homeless in Eastbourne – Latest Information



The Matthew 25 Mission                                                                                     


Monday – Friday  

8.00-10.00am and 12noon- 2.00pm – Take-away food


Surviving the Streets


All Week

7.00-10.00pm emergency helpline – 0800 048 7740 – support (including food) for the homeless


Salvation Army


Rebourne Corner: Monday – Friday   

10.00 – 11.00am  Sandwiches (and hot drinks until 1.45pm)


Citadel: Tuesday

6.00 – 6.45pm  Sit-down hot meal;

6.15 – 7.00pm  Hot food take-away



9.00am-1.30pm  ‘Healthy Breakfast’ (provided by RSI Team). Followed by food to 1.00pm if Healthy Breakfast runs out.


Warming Up the Homeless


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

7.30 – 10.00pm starting opposite the Grand Hotel, then past the Bandstand, through Terminus Road to the BR Station, then to Jevington Gardens. Hot food, snacks (Only outside the Grand Hotel for   1 hour on Thursdays and Saturdays: 7.30-8.30pm)

Sunday (from 3rd July)

5.00-7.00pm ‘Supper Club’ hot dinner at The Way (91-93 Seaside Road). Doors open at 4.30pm.





7.30-8.30pm (or sooner, if food runs out) outside Coffee Republic  –  Hot food, snacks.


Absolute Angels



6.30 – 7.30pm –-  Outside Poundland  – Hot food, snacks


Food 4 Thought



7.00 – 8.00pm – The Matthew 25 Mission Car Park – Hot food, snacks


Kingdom Way Trust


Saturday/Sunday (2nd & 4th weekend of every month):

10.30am – 3.30pm  – The Way, 91-93 Seaside Road – Hot & Cold Snacks and drinks


St Saviour’s Church (South Street)


Second Saturday each month: 

10 -12noon – ‘Chat Stop’ drop-in – tea/coffee/cake

Third Saturday each month:  12-2.30pm – ‘Meal for One’: pre-book at Church (8.30-5.00pm daily)