Our final BHCT recruitment of 2022 for volunteer Chaplains to begin training in Sept 2022 is underway, with interviews taking place in mid July.
Integrity seek new staff
Integrity Music are looking for two new members of the team in their East Sussex office. These include a marketing director and an accounts assistant.
You can find out more by contacting 01273 713521 for a full job description
Parche Seeks Part Time Staff Member
PARCHE, the Church in Care Homes, seeks a Local Coordinator to work as part of its central team with the Ambassador and the Office Manager.
The role includes working with our Teams and coordinating the taking of Church into Care homes. This role is part-time, 6 hours / week, and is based at home with travel in and around Eastbourne, so a car is essential to this role.
If you are a committed Christian with a heart for those in our Care Homes, then this could be the role for you. For further details and a full job description please contact the office at parchenquiries@hotmail.co.uk or call 01323 438527.
The closing date for this role will be Friday 1st July 2022, interviews will take place shortly after this date.
Dead Preachers Conference Launching in Eastbourne
Coming this summer: (July 5-6th) a new conference for preachers and Bible teachers hosted at Kings Eastbourne. With David Hilborn – Moorlands College and Chair of Evangelical Alliance Theological Advisory Group, John Woods – School of preachers, Natalie Williams – Jubilee+ and Ben Virgo – Christian Heritage London
If we preachers want to preach effectively now, we need to learn from the resources of the past, develop fresh skills for now, and look beyond the curve at the trends that are hurtling toward us. The conference seeks to take the past, present and future seriously, so that we can shape our biblical preaching so that it will communicate with freshness to our contemporary situation. This conference is open to any and all established, developing or wanna be preachers longing to develop their gift, we’d love you to join us.
For more information and to sign up visit www.deadpreachers.com
Prayer – Resting in His Presence
HOPES are pleased to announce The Treasure Room
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21)
We are so excited to be opening up Sunday evenings at the Bexhill Coach House with a time of quiet, medatative led prayer from 6:30pm-8pm each week beginning Sunday 18th June. This is an opportunity to silently set our hearts gaze on Jesus, “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). During this time there will be the opportunity to meditate on the Word of God, to wait on Him, and listen for His still, small voice….glorifying Him in our hearts and remembering His Presence in all we do.
We want this to be a space for Jesus to lay His head – a place where we express our loving attention for loves own sake towards God. So if you’re hungry for more of God or simply want to come and rest in His Presence, please come and join us in the Treasure Room sessions each Sunday, you will be so welcome! ????
Please could you forward this to those who you feel may be interested and possibly put it in your notices for Sunday. It would be great if we knew who were coming, so please let us know if you are.
Also, Just a reminder,
We are open 10am – 4pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for individual/group prayer.
What’s on at Glyndely Manor – Ministry Courses
EXPLORE – Lost and Found 24 – 25 June
Exploring the Remedy for Rejection
If there is one thing that would really change our sense of well-being it is to know that we are unconditionally loved and accepted. The scriptures tell us that God loves all He has created and that when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we are fully part of God’s family again. Yet we can find it so hard to personally accept this truth and live in the abundant life promised to us.
Even as Christians we sometimes feel as if we are lost sheep who desperately desire and need to be found and embraced by the Good Shepherd but then sense of inadequacy, guilt and shame can hold us back.
This course will explore how rejection first came into the world and how you can develop distorted beliefs about your own acceptability to God, to others and even to yourself. If you can assuredly know the truth of who God is and who you really are then, undoubtedly, your life will be transformed.
Find out more: https://ellel.uk/courses/listing/ellel-glyndley-manor/june-2022/explore-a4-lost-and-found-4/
Exploring How to Deal with Difficult Emotions
From the ups to the downs, emotions are an essential part of being human. Without them our relationships are empty and mechanical and our lives grey and colourless.
Yet many of us struggle with our emotions, often trying to deny and even crush them because they seem to be the cause of our problems. The reality is that some emotions seem very hard to handle; they can be overwhelming, seem unacceptable or even feel destructive.
This course seeks to bring a full understanding of what your emotions are, why they exist and how you can handle them in a godly way. It will unpick the intricacies of difficult emotions such as grief, anger and jealousy, and how God has purposed for you to find release and His comfort, so you can move safely through the turmoil and find a new place of rest.
Find out more: https://ellel.uk/courses/listing/ellel-glyndley-manor/july-2022/explore-b4-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-3/
Healing Weekend: Restoring Relationships 15-18 July
Are you struggling to experience real joy and blessing from your relationships?
Do you struggle to develop good relationships? What about the most important relationship of all, the one with our Heavenly Father – do you long for a deeper relationship with Him?
God created us to relate with others – our neighbours, workmates, fellow Christians, marriage partner and members of our families – but these relationships are often flawed and can become a source of pain and misery. Maybe there are behaviours that you can’t seem to overcome or fears that grip you and hold you back from being able to relate. Then this extended weekend is for you!
This special 4-Day Healing Weekend is designed for ordinary people who find relationships difficult. This course will bring understanding of how to move toward giving and receiving in healthy relationships and how to be free from unhealthy relationships that have affected us in the past. It is so important because right relationships, both with God and with other people, are central to the whole of life.
Find out more: https://ellel.uk/courses/listing/ellel-glyndley-manor/july-2022/healing-weekend-restoring-relationships/
Gateway to Host Echoes International
The first weekend in July Gateway are hosting an Exhibition for Echoes International who are celebrating 150 years of Mission. https://www.echoesinternational.org.uk/
As you will see from the details, there will be an interactive Exhibition with a video area showing messages from Mission Partners around the world and on the Saturday we are holding a Mission Service with a guest speaker from Echoes – their Mission’s Director. This is something that is open to all to find out more about the organisation and celebrate the impact they have had over the 150 years.
Caroline Ansell to Speak at Men’s Breakfast
The next Christian Men’s Breakfast is on the 9th July at the Royal Eastbourne Golf Club at 8.00, when Caroline Ansell will be sharing her Thought for the Day. Caroline will be well known as our local MP and member of a local church.
For newcomers, the breakfast is a full English breakfast served buffet style, enabling you to choose what you wish to eat, the cost is £12.00, cash if possible, but cards will be taken if required.
The breakfast starts promptly at 8.00 to finish at 9.00, please arrive around 7.50 to collect a coffee or tea from the drinks station and find a seat.
For any new comers who might be interested in attending please give me a call. For our regular attendees, if you are unable to attend, please give me your apology by midday, the Thursday prior to the breakfast, the number I submit is the number I am charged for. I do hope to see you there.
Our August speaker on the 13th is Bill Owen who worships at All Saints Church.
Crowhurst Quiet Days
Colin Crook who is from Eastbourne is leading both the days!
Join Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre (CCHC) for one or both of these inspiring and encouraging Quiet Days led by Rev. Colin Crook. Included in the price is a 2-course lunch, morning refreshments and afternoon drinks & cake. Guests also have use of our fully equipped Art Room, prayer walks and quiet spaces. Quiet Days at CCHC allow plenty of time for quiet reflection and prayer, but are not silent. CCHC also offer the option of taking part virtually via Zoom. Phone 01424 830204 or visit https://www.crowhursthealing.org.uk/programme.php to book.
Thank you!
The Way open – special event 16 June
News from the Kingdom Way Trust.
We are very excited to announce the opening of ‘The Way’, the premises on Seaside Road, generously passed to Kingdom Way Trust by the Trustees of the Christian Resource Centre.
On Thursday 16th June at 5pm we will have a short Handover/Opening event with refreshments afterwards and an opportunity to see and hear about plans for the re-purposed building. You are very welcome to join us.