Andy Mason Book Launch Cancelled

Andy Mason, who was due to take part in his book launch on the 27th at the Christian Resource Centre is in hospital following a very serious road accident. The book launch has been cancelled and we encourage you to pray for his recovery.


Local Author on the Journey to Faith of St Peter

Jez Taylor attends Victoria Baptist Church in Eastbourne. He is a retired teacher and has just published his first novel. It is based on the life of St Peter and his journey to faith. Rooted in the gospel accounts,  it is an imagining of those events plus some creative backstory. Jez says ‘It is very mainstream and should not offend anyone.’
It is called On This Rock and is available on Amazon

Salvation Army Updates Food Provision Information

Here is an update on the services for feeding the homeless at the Salvation Army

Rebourne Day Centre – Monday -Thursday 10am- 2pm

Sandwiches,cakes etc,hot drinks & hot snacks which can be eaten inside the day centre.
In the Citadel
Tuesdays & Thursdays 6pm- 7pm Hot dinner to take away.
Fridays 9am – 1.30pm    Healthy Breakfast provided by the RSI Team & also sandwiches,cakes etc. & hot drinks nearer to lunch time.

Using the Green Space Around Your Church

Bristol based Hazelnut Community Farm are excited to be hosting their next ‘Sustaining Conversation’. They will be discussing church land and its conservation. They are pleased to welcome Hannah Malcolm and Tim Harris who will be speaking both about advocating for church land to be used for conservation and the practicalities of it. The event will be taking place for free on zoom on Tuesday the 23rd of November from 8 pm-9:15 pm. 

Follow the link for information and tickets:

Upper Room Prayer This Sunday

On Sunday 21st November The Well Community Church are hosting the next Upper Room.worship evening. It is a relaxed time of worship, allowing time for God to move and speak to our hearts.

It is at St Barnabas next to the Langney Shopping Centre, at 7.30pm 

Mothers Union to Protest Violence Against Women

The Mothers’ Union (MU) Global Day on Saturday 27th November is part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence from 25th November to 10th December.

Bexhill District Mothers’ Union members would welcome Church Members, Clergy and friends for our silent protest outside All Saints’ Church, Grange Road, assembling outside from 12.45pm. Our Service will begin outside with a 3 minute silence at 1.03pm, around the Church, then we will move inside for the rest of the Service.

Refreshments will be served afterwards in our hall. We want to raise awareness that it is unacceptable for 1 in 3 women around the world to be suffering from violence and abuse. Purple scarves, if owned, are to be worn. For more information and to notify MU of attendance, please ring/text Kathryn on 07932720747.

Discover Freedom From Rejection

Ellel – Glyndley Manor Courses

We have a new weekend course titled ‘Healing for Women’ commencing on the 19-21st November, Do you long for God’s healing touch? Do you know how precious you are in His sight? Perhaps you’re already on a path into maturity and wholeness and just want more?! In these days there’s many pressures on women, juggling family & work life, being single or married and then there’s extra issues with relationship breakdowns or pain from the past. Jesus wants to rescue us from any harm and move us into the fullness of life! The sensitive and practical teaching on this weekend looks at areas of Identity, Sexuality, Emotions, Hormones and Stress. There will be opportunity for fellowship, rest and for those who would like it, personal prayer ministry. Come on this course and discover God’s healing for you and let Him show you how valuable you truly are!

To find out more details please follow the link:

Freedom from Rejection, our last Free Teaching Day of the year which will be held on the 27th of November it will include looking at how being rejected can have a massive impact on our lives and those who struggle with rejection know that it affects the way we think and feel, the way we see ourselves, and the way we interact with others. It steals our ability to freely love life, to love ourselves and to love others as we fear further rejection and build protections around our hearts. Ultimately it can create a deeply held belief that there is something wrong with us, that we don’t belong, and this also affects our ability to fully receive and embrace the love and acceptance that God has for us. Join us for this one-day course to discover how God can bring healing to the roots of rejection and enable you to walk with joy and confidence – loving God, loving yourself and loving others.

Booking is essential for this course and lunch is available for £6 pp to find out more details please follow the link:

Computers for Charities offer New Skills Training

“Computers for Charities is offering a certificated Level 2 standard. Computer refurbishment training course at its Eastbourne workshop. Aimed at local people seeking to reskill.

The course contains 10 sessions, 2 sessions per week, lasting 5 weeks. Spaces are limited. Deadline for applications 30th November 2021.  For more information, including application form. Email: or Tel: 01323 848588. The first course is without charge. Disability access is limited, however no age limit”