Meeting God in the Stillness

Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre are holding three Quiet Days this year on the theme of stillness.

 Is quietness the same as stillness? The dictionary defines quietness as ‘absence of noise or bustle; calm, without agitation, excitement and speech’.  Stillness is defined as ‘the absence of movement or sound’. Psalm 46 verse 10 says ‘be still and know that I am God’, suggesting that stillness is desirable, although probably for most of us, we need quietness in order to achieve the possibility of stillness.

 You are warmly welcome to participate, either in person (£30 to include a 2 course lunch and refreshments) or online (£10 via Zoom), in our Quiet Days where we will encourage each other to step aside from our normal routine into a quiet place.  The next two Quiet Days are: Finding stillness in our world – Friday 17th May & Finding stillness in the temple (in our places of worship) – Wednesday 28th August. 

The day will consist of times to come together to be led in a scripture based reflection, followed by individual time spent alone to find stillness.

 Please book by calling 01424 830204 or online at


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