Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre are holding a morning on loss and grief called ‘A Space to Remember’ on Friday 31st March (10-1pm). The day will be led by Revd Steve Gurr Chaplain at HMP Ford in West Sussex. Steve served 15 years as Lead for Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy at St Barnabas Hospice in Worthing and Chestnut Tree Children`s Hospice.
A Space to Remember will offer us an opportunity to reflect on the losses that have been, and are still significant to us. This may be about remembering before God a loved one who has died. Or it may be about having a space to consider prayerfully other kinds of losses experienced and how these impact on life. Our morning together will give us time to pray for a greater sense of the Lord’s accompanying of us as we face the future.
The time will include a service of Holy Communion with a brief thought for the day, as well as time for personal reflection, prayer, remembrance and a chat with someone if you’d find that helpful.
If you would like to, please feel free to bring a photograph, or another (smallish) item that can be placed on the chapel altar throughout the morning to represent the thoughts you carry into this day.
10am – Gathering and introduction
10.30am – 12pm – Time for reflection and remembrance activities
(coffee available throughout)
12pm -1pm – Holy Communion
1pm Lunch available at Howard’s Well if desired.
£12 per person book online or by calling 01424 830204