Advent Fayre at Our Lady of Ransom

Our Lady of Ransom Church is holding an Autumn Fayre on Sat 2nd December and we would like to invite families and members of our fellow Eastbourne churches to attend.  Is this something you could publicise for us? It should be a fun event and entry is free.

The details are as shown below.

An ADVENT FAYRE will be held in Our Lady of Ransom Church’s parish hall in Meads Road on SATURDAY 2nd DECEMBER, 11am-3pm.

Family fun and games for all, SANTA in his grotto from 12 noon with gifts for kids and adults alike!  Activities include Tombola, Children’s Craft Table with Gift Wrapping, Face Painting, Homemade Crafts, Guessing Games, a Hamper Raffle and much more. 

Find that special Christmas gift on the stalls selling homemade cakes, sweets, toys and cards, and visit the OLR Cafe to enjoy a bowl of delicious home-made hot soup & rolls, tea, coffee, hot chocolate & sweet treats!   Free entry, wheelchair accessible. Details: Maura 07425 139725; OLR office 01323 723222

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