Healing Encounters Weekend – Crowhurst

Next month (24th – 26th May), Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre (CCHC) are holding a Healing Encounters Weekend.  The weekend is for those who are seeking to facilitate a deeper personal encounter with the Lord who heals.  The Healing Encounters Weekend encourages and helps participants to journey with the Lord using one of the gospel accounts of Jesus healing.  Over the weekend guests will have opportunities to apply the gospel story in their own lives and meet with the Lord in a healing encounter, which can happen in a variety of ways.  Prices include full board accommodation at our peaceful healing and retreat Centre in the East Sussex countryside.  Crowhurst train station is on the Hastings to Charring Cross line and CCHC is a 5 minute walk from the station.

There are a handful of places left on our May weekend (24th – 26th) and plenty of places left on our August (9th -11th) and November (8th – 10th) weekends.  Please book via the website https://www.crowhursthealing.org.uk/retreat.php?retreat=821or call us on 01424 830204.

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