Following the success of RunningSpace in Bexhill, a new, free, community running group aimed at beginners who can walk/jog through to those able to complete a 5K Parkrun, is starting a trial group in Eastbourne in October. The RunningSpace slogan is ‘Promoting Life, Beating Suicide’ and groups aim to help anyone who would like to improve their mental and physical health through walking, jogging and running. The plan is to trial a weekly day-time group on Fridays this term, 9am – 10:30am, based in the Meads area, using the sea front and edge of the Downs.
The session is always followed by a social time with free refreshments and the aim is to be encouraging, inclusive and friendly. The idea is already supported by members of St John’s Church and the Gather Collective and we would welcome participants from any Eastbourne churches who would like to be part of, and/or help with, such a group.
More information at https://runningspace.org
Please phone/text Jenny Brown on 07712 351724 before the end of September if you would like to participate in, or help to start, the Eastbourne group.