Mothers Union to Protest Violence Against Women

The Mothers’ Union (MU) Global Day on Saturday 27th November is part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence from 25th November to 10th December.

Bexhill District Mothers’ Union members would welcome Church Members, Clergy and friends for our silent protest outside All Saints’ Church, Grange Road, assembling outside from 12.45pm. Our Service will begin outside with a 3 minute silence at 1.03pm, around the Church, then we will move inside for the rest of the Service.

Refreshments will be served afterwards in our hall. We want to raise awareness that it is unacceptable for 1 in 3 women around the world to be suffering from violence and abuse. Purple scarves, if owned, are to be worn. For more information and to notify MU of attendance, please ring/text Kathryn on 07932720747.

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