Pray Eastbourne 2024 – A new prayer initiative

Pray Eastbourne 2024

A new team, with the promotional and practical  support of Churches Together Eastbourne, is inviting churches across the Eastbourne area to unite together in a year of prayer for our town.

It feels as though the Christian Church in the UK is facing cultural challenges not experienced for centuries.  At the same time, many sense this could be just the time when God breaks in and does something new and unexpected.

Matthew Henry famously said: ‘When God intends some great mercy for his people, he first of all sets them a-praying’.

We invite you to consider taking part and encouraging your congregation to do the same.

Here is what is envisaged:

  • A prayer breakfast for Church leaders on Saturday 10th February at the Cavendish Hotel.  We will welcome a speaker Roger Sutton, joint CEO of Gather Movement UK.  8.30 am.  ‘Full English’ for £12.50.
  • An afternoon of vision and prayer for everyone on the same Saturday, 10th February, at Kings Church.  Roger Sutton will again speak.  Details of this event are on the attached flyer.  Hard copies of the flyer for your congregation will be available after Christmas.
  • Two evenings of prayer in March and April hosted by two other churches.  Details to be finalised.
  • A 4th ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Bandstand event on either Sunday 12th or 19th May.  Details are being finalised.
  • In the week following the Bandstand event, a prayer walk around the circumference of Eastbourne and surrounding villages – 24 miles in six days.  A core team will do the whole route with opportunities for anyone to join in along the route.  Stop offs for prayer and refreshment at local churches around the periphery of our area are being arranged.
  • From June to October, local area groups of churches are planning their own prayer walk initiatives in their own localities.  Old Town Churches have already pencilled in Saturday 8th June to prayer walk Old Town.

Psalm 133 speaks of the great blessing when the tribes of God’s family ‘dwell together in unity’.  Acts 2 tells of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit when the disciples were praying all together in one place.  The united, earnest prayer of God’s faithful people is powerful and effective.

This is a call to come together humbly before our heavenly Father, in our human weakness, seeking His mercy and favour on His church in His town to His glory and the extension of His Kingdom here and now in the Eastbourne area.

Please contact Martyn Relf if you would like further information or to talk about any of the above.

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