Hospice Thanksgiving Dates Correction

Forty years ago in October the churches in Eastbourne were very active in the founding of St Wilfrid’s Hospice. We are now very pleased to give thanks to God for the wonderful work that has been done over those forty years. On Sunday 10th October at 4pm a Thanksgiving Service will be held at Victoria Baptist Church. Staff and friends of the Hospice, along with one or two people who have benefitted from the work of the Hospice, will be taking part. We trust that many will come to give thanks and to pray for the on=going work that is so vital for people at a very challenging times in their lives.

Creation and the Environment Reading Club Launched

Eastbourne community church, the Gather Collective, are inviting people from other churches to participate in a midday fortnightly book club around the themes of creation care, climate change and food topics. The group will meet in person and via Zoom, with the face to face version coming from the Gather Community Garden Quiet Room and the Zoom call being broadcast from there at the same time.

It starts on 13th October from 12.30 -1.30 pm.

Initially it will start with a book called PlanetWise – dare to care for God’s world, written by Dave Bookless, who heads up A Rocha UK, and is also a vicar at a church in Southall, London. It is clear that the issues of climate change, living simply and sustainably, and with less waste, etc are important issues of our time. Especially for those of us who believe that this world belongs to God and He cares about how we treat it.

Here’s a quote from the back of the book:  This is not another book on green issues to make you feel guilty. There is hope. God can take your small and insignificant efforts and multiply them in his great plan, Besides, honouring him, living simply can be an exciting adventure.

There are other recommendations from Ruth Valerio, Elaine Storkey and Nicky Gumbel.

If this is something that would interest you, you can order the book from the Christian resource centre  or via an online retailer. We will begin by reading through the Introduction and Chapter 1 before we meet. There are questions after each chapter that can help us in expressing our thoughts on the day.

What about lunch if you attend in person?
It would be helpful to bring a packed lunch and a flask of something warm, so that we can eat and reflect together from the outset.

How long will it last?
There are 9 relatively short chapters, so it would take 5 weeks (doing 2 chapters per session), meaning that we would finish on the 8th December, (meeting every other week).

It would be helpful if you could let them know if this is something you would be up for. You can register your interest here

Hospital Chaplains Seeking New Volunteers

The Hospital Chaplaincy & Pastoral Support Team are looking for Volunteers to assist with providing spiritual support for patients and relatives at both Eastbourne DGH and Hastings Conquest Hospital.

Training and support will be provided. If you, or anyone you know, may be interested please contact Lead Chaplain Graham Atfield on 07972 242753 or by email to graham.atfield@nhs.net.’

Kingdom Way Seek Empowerment Worker















Church & Tenant Empowerment Worker

Part-time vacancy (20 hours)

About the role

We are looking for someone to join the Kingdom Way Trust team in Eastbourne as an Empowerment Worker for our Hope into Action tenants and supporting churches. Much of the role will be spending time with tenants and volunteers however some admin is required which can either be done from home or in office space provided.

As an Empowerment Worker you will be supporting our tenants with their needs and you would empower them towards a fulfilled life. Tenants may be singles or families.

You will also be working with our partner churches – each house is partnered with a local church – to train, equip, encourage for their role in mentoring, befriending and giving practical support to tenants.
About you

For this role, you would be someone with a passion for the vulnerable, in agreement with our values and able to work with both tenants and church volunteers. You will need to be able to work with tenants with support needs, including poor mental health, past offending, in recovery from drug and alcohol dependency. We value good listening skills. The ability to work in a flexible team and learn new skills is important as we foster working within a strong supportive team across all the projects of Kingdom Way Trust.

We love diversity and we value your unique skills, strengths, knowledge and experience. Becoming one of our team may realise your potential, helping us to raise our performance in empowering those we serve.
About us

Kingdom Way Trust provides housing and support for vulnerable adults. Together with the church, through the Hope into Action model, we provide a home and direct support to people whom others have often given up on.
To apply

For the Job Description & Application form visit: www.kingdomwaytrust.org/hope-into-action

Closing date for applications 17th October 2021.

Or contact roland@kingdomwaytrust.org for any further information about this role.

Susie Marriott Calls Us to Support Christian Aid and Their Gift Multiplier Programme

This is a message from Susie Marriott

Hello dear friends! 

Last year I gave some money to Christian Aid and, in their partnership with UN Food Aid Programme, my meagre gift was matched/multiplied x 50 in three situations of extreme hunger: 1)in the violence of NE Nigeria helping 400,000 displaced people;  2)amidst Covid-19, regular Ebola outbreaks and a vicious cycle of violence in DRC empowering people to cope and start to build a peaceful society; 3) nearly 870,000 refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh, many of them Rohingyas, vulnerable to Covid-19 and flooding being helped with improved hygiene facilities and infrastructure and a cash-for-work programme.  The World Food Programme has the resources and expertise of large-scale operations, and Christian Aid has relationships in the communities affected.  As well as the immediate food aid, there are the longer-term elements such as employing and paying refugees, developing skills for the future etc.

I feel very passionate about this – WFP are so pleased with the success of this partnership, they are offering this 50 times multiplying-up again this harvest, to continue this work.  I am sure there are some of you who would love to give a pound, knowing it would become £50 to help in these conflict-affected communities.  Donations can be given online through the page below.  What do you think?  Every blessing,  Susie xx


Funding to help faith groups support communities

Earlier this month, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities announced a new £1 million fund to help faith groups support communities.

Faith groups will be able to apply for a share of the £1 million Faith New Deal Pilot Fund for projects providing innovative solutions to issues such as food poverty and poor mental health. Projects combating loneliness and isolation, providing debt advice and helping those who were unemployed during the COVID-19 outbreak get back to work are set to benefit from the new pilot.

The deadline for the application window of this scheme has been extended until 14 October.

Councils are encouraged to promote the Faith New Deal Pilot Fund on social media channels, with wider partners and local voluntary sector partners.




Forty years ago in October the churches in Eastbourne were very active in the founding of St Wilfrid’s Hospice.  We are now very pleased to give thanks to God for the wonderful work that has been done over those forty years. On  Sunday 10th November at 4pm a Thanksgiving Service will be held at Victoria Baptist Church.  Staff and friends of the Hospice, along with one or two people who have benefitted from the work of the Hospice, will be taking part.  We trust that many will come to give thanks and to pray for the on=going work that is so vital for people at a very challenging times in their lives.

Linking Lives Video Captures Essence of Their Work with The Lonely

Loneliness and isolation has become a widespread social problem and the pandemic has made this worse for many people. Linking Lives is working here in Eastbourne and across the UK to link people together. Friendships are formed through regular meetings, both by phone and in person. We also look for ways to re introduce people to their own local community.

The video below gives an introduction to Linking Lives Eastbourne. You can find out more at linkingliveseastbourne.com

Sanctuary Cafe Drop In Reopens

From Graham Horsnell

I’ve been asked to let you all know that Sanctuary Café has reopened its weekly drop-in and support service for immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees who are currently in Eastbourne.

The drop-in is open between 10.00am and 12.00noon every Friday, at All Souls Church.

As well as coffee and a chat with friends and volunteers, there are various levels of English Conversation Classes (free of charge), and the opportunity to meet with our immigration specialist. Foodstuffs, clothing and toiletries are also available each week.

A supervised creche is provided where the babies and young children of attendees can play safely.

Sanctuary Café would be most grateful if you could draw this to the attention of your relevant clients, and others you know who may benefit from this weekly opportunity.

For further information please call Jane Byers on 07876 388782.

Many thanks

Graham Horsnell Covid-19: RSI/VS Liaison

Local Churches Encouraging RunningSpace Eastbourne

Following the success of RunningSpace in Bexhill, a new, free, community running group aimed at beginners who can walk/jog through to those able to complete a 5K Parkrun, is starting a trial group in Eastbourne in October. The RunningSpace slogan is ‘Promoting Life, Beating Suicide’ and groups aim to help anyone who would like to improve their mental and physical health through walking, jogging and running. The plan is to trial a weekly day-time group on Fridays this term, 9am – 10:30am, based in the Meads area, using the sea front and edge of the Downs.

The session is always followed by a social time with free refreshments and the aim is to be encouraging, inclusive and friendly. The idea is already supported by members of St John’s Church and the Gather Collective and we would welcome participants from any Eastbourne churches who would like to be part of, and/or help with, such a group.

More information at https://runningspace.org

Please phone/text Jenny Brown on 07712 351724 before the end of September if you would like to participate in, or help to start, the Eastbourne group.