Bible By the Beach – 1st May

In a difficult year…BBTB are excited to announce the plans ahead….

Bible by the Beach 2021 will be an online event only but with the opportunity to interact with others during the day. There will be many elements you will be familiar with – excellent Bible Readings, inspiring music from EMU and, of course, our children and youth will also be wonderfully catered for! So book the date in your diary and join us at Bible by the Beach 2021 on Saturday 1st May!

More information can be found here

Boris praises Church Covid responses

There will be diverse opinions about Boris Johnson among Eastbourne churchgoers. Notwithstanding that, most will welcome his Easter message and his fulsome praise for the role of churches in responding to the lockdown situation and helping with the vaccination drive. See exactly what he said below.

Covid Catharsis – What could help you

Local youth worker and trainer Jenni Osborn is one of the architects of Covid Catharsis – a creative new project that seeks to help people process the emotions of the last 12 months.

From Easter Saturday for 6 weeks there will be a new project running which aims to encourage people from age 4 to 84 to express some of the tension and emotion of the last 12 months. Join in for one week or from week 3 or however it fits with your plans. It is called Covid Catharsis, here’s further details:


The Need for Catharsis

We believe it is important to create a space for people to be deeply saddened and unrelentingly happy; a space where things need not (perhaps cannot) make sense, where we acknowledge the presence of mess and confusion, but also note where hope is filtering through. We are confident that in the expressing of these emotions, people will begin to make sense of their experiences of the past year.


The Invitation

We want to invite you: young people, youth workers, teachers, church leaders and anyone else who sees this manifesto to express this mixture of sad and happy, discomfort, confusion, chaos and loss in whatever form comes most naturally to you. In doing so, we hope and pray that you will find some catharsis for yourself, and potentially also for others.


How will this work?

There are many ways you can do this. Using photography, written words, music, poetry, or design. You can do this just for yourself, but if you’re happy to share your creation(s) on social media, we’d like to encourage you to use the hashtag #CovidCatharsis and we will share these on various platforms. If you would like to share but remain anonymous, then email your contribution to one of us and we will publish on your behalf.

Each week of the project, using the hashtag #CovidCatharsis we will suggest a theme to inspire your thinking. We will post these themes on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, always using the hashtag and we invite you to join us by creating and posting.

The real beauty of this is that, just as lament, grief and yearning are messy, so this will be too. We’re not looking for beautifully constructed, polished and finished works of art, but your raw, real, emotional expression of these deeply human emotions.

So, if this strikes a chord with you and you think those in your care will appreciate the opportunity: join us.


Who is behind this project?

Andy and Jenni are long term youth workers who are deeply invested in encouraging good mental health practices which contribute to mental wellbeing and fitness. We are both freelancers, believing that there is space in the world of youth work for big organisations and small outfits.


Andy Campbell: coach, trainer, poet and occasional square peg. Andy helps people work out who they are and what their next step might be. Find out more at  Contact Andy on


Jenni Osborn: mentor, trainer, author and host of the Jenni Talks podcast. Jenni’s passion is supporting those who support young people in a variety of ways. Find out more at Contact Jenni on

Jenni is a member of Gather Collective, an Eastbourne based community church.

Local Author Shares on Mental Health and Being ‘Mindful of Christ’

Hi, I’m Lauren,

I’m a mum of two beautiful children and just completed an BA Honors degree in Health and Social care. I’m currently studying a diploma in ‘Psychology and CBT.’ I became a born again Christian 15 years ago. I have had ups and downs with my mental health and have experienced, depression, anxiety and self- harm. But God helped me with these and I have learnt to change my focus from the negatives and towards God and the practice being mindful of Him too. The focus of my work is to help others in improving their mental health and well-being.

Discover more at Laurens website

Lauren has also written a book on the place of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Christian Counseling – find out more here

New Short Courses – Glyndley Manor – Ellel Grange

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to connect more easily to the Heart of God?

On this course we will look at the theme “God in my day” through guided creative activities using paints, crayons, glue and so much more (don’t worry you don’t have to be even remotely artistic to join in!).

We live at a time of much injustice, a time when the concept of claiming one’s human rights has become part of the mindset of most people throughout the world. In this course we will explore this pervasive ideology, a belief that every human being has certain innate and inalienable rights, irrespective of their righteousness.


Helping Older People with Housing Needs Issues

You may be encountering people over the age of 60 facing issues around their housing needs. Where can they and you turn for help in what are often complex situations?

‘STEPS to stay independent’ is a free, confidential, short-term support service funded by East Sussex County Council for people aged 60 or over with a housing support issue, to help them to stay living independently.

All STEPS advisors are trained to provide every aspect of the service and offer person-centred support, designed around the needs of the individual.

You can find out more here.

The service offers a range of support to eligible individuals including:

  • Looking into more suitable accommodation
  • Dealing with tenancy and mortgage worries
  • Keeping warm and reducing energy bills
  • Ensuring your home is safe
  • Managing household bills and debts
  • Obtaining daily living equipment

In addition to supporting with housing issues we can also help you with:

  • Accessing benefit advice and debt management
  • Managing long term physical health conditions
  • Finding community transport.
  • Taking part in healthy living activities
  • Accessing local social groups or activities in your area.
  • Accessing advice and support for your carer
  • Approaching other organisations.
  • Getting online.

How your church can help those navigating trauma

Navigating Trauma is a Bible-based initiative that uses the Scriptures to accompany participants in their journey through the effects of trauma towards a place of peace. It’s designed to help churches, faith groups and chaplains support their communities through the impact of these traumas.

It aims to directly support those who’ve experienced trauma in beginning a journey of healing and to support Christians more widely in walking alongside them.

Navigating Trauma is a proven, Bible-based approach to changing lives and transforming communities. As we heal the wounds inside, we change the world outside.

Book your free place at the Navigating Trauma launch event to find out how your church could offer this programme to your community.

Navigating Trauma – How the Church can help

Thursday 25 March 2021  |  10.30 – 11.30 am


Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre is offering an online retreat this Easter.

The story of Easter has the potential to significantly transform our lives, yet all too easily this mystery at the heart of Christian faith is missed, especially in these momentous times we are living in.  Take time with us to stop and ponder the significance of the last week in the life of Jesus.

Each day at 10am there will be a time of worship, reflection and sharing led by a CCHC Chaplain.  The retreat is free, although donations would be welcomed. For more information and to book, please visit the website

Connect with your community

Connect with your community

The new Hope for All magazine helps readers plan a post-Covid Wellbeing Journey with TV presenters Joanna Adeyinka and Simon Thomas. Edited by Eastbourne journalist Catherine Butcher, the 32-page magazine turns the spotlight on celebrities and their faith – singer Justin Bieber, cricketer AB De Villiers and James Lusted from Songs of Praise. Four real-life stories focus on reasons for hope and one feature suggests that celebrating Christmas and Easter together this year makes perfect sense. We also hear some good news stories from people who’ve tackled debt successfully and get the inside track on the trailblazing children’s gaming App Guardians of Ancora. Copies of Hope for All cost just 10p each – order magazines from Copies will be dispatched from 3rd March.