No Cross at Crematorium?

A message from Fr Neil Chatfield

Having done a service in the family chapel at the crematorium this week I noticed two things. First that a long overdue refurbishment has taken place. However the second thing I noticed was the absence of a cross anywhere in the chapel. While I am aware they need to cater for many different tastes there should be a cross present for Christian funerals. The cross can be removed for non Christian funerals.

I politely made my opinions about this and wonder if others might also let their feeling now to the authorities.

Fr Neil Chatfield.

Town Centre Saturday Outreach Future Plans


Free coffee and cake . Spread the word . Bring seekers and searchers with you .

On Saturdays at 10.45 am till 12.30 ish

An opportunity to hear and discuss generic topics we have chosen …

Experience a talk , a testimony and Q&A .

Easter: Eggs and The Cross/
Love – easy for some, hard for others/
Anxiety and hope – can we live with both?/
Money and wealth– with and without/
The new king – a shadow of the King
Self-worth – are you enough?
Contentment – what is it
How to live in an unstable world
Broken relationships – restoration

10/6/23 Giants on our Journey
17/6/23 Social Media – helpful or not?
24/6/23 Loss and bereavement
1/7/23 Loneliness
8/7/23 Forgiveness and health
15/7/23 Be careful who you listen to
22/7/23 Fear
29/7/23 How far should my compassion stretch? Living in a world with increasing poverty?

ADDRESS: Kings Centro Lounge, Cafe Church , 102 Seaside Rd, Eastbourne BN21 3PF

Computer Tune Up – St Barnabas, Langney


Computers for Charities & River of Life Church  are staging a Free Community Computer Tune Up Day. Friday 23rd June 10 – St Barnabus’s, Langney. Local people are invited to bring their laptops & desktops for a free check up.

Whilst providing a link for churches and communities. CfC has been travelling across the UK, following invitations from church groups wanting to host this event. All are welcome. For more information. Contact Simon Rooksby. Tel: 01323 848588 email:


Crowhurst Thanksgiving Day – 8th July

You are warmly invited to Thanksgiving Day at Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre on Saturday 8thJuly. 

 The theme for Thanksgiving Day is ‘The God of surprises’.  He meets us at our point of need and gently draws us to Himself and transforms us moment by moment into all we were created to be – like Him.

As ever, throughout the day we will be celebrating God’s abundant goodness and hearing some stories of God encounter moments at CCHC. 

 If you have never been to a Thanksgiving Day at CCHC before, it’s very much like an open house.  You are welcome to come and go as you please and the house and grounds are open for you to explore and enjoy.  There will be a Thanksgiving Service at 11am followed by a complimentary ploughman’s lunch and plenty of tea and coffee served at different points throughout the day. 

 The 11am Thanksgiving Service will also be on Zoom for those unable to attend in person.

 There is no charge for the day and no need to book but please contact us on 01424 830204 if you have a question about the day, you need the Zoom codes or if you would like to tell us you will be coming. 


Canon Harper to Speak at Monthly Breakfast

The next breakfast is on the 8th July at the Royal Eastbourne Golf Club at 8.00 when Canon Richard Harper, Assist Vicar of St Saviour’s Church, Eastbourne will be sharing his Thought for the Day.

For newcomers, the breakfast is a full English breakfast served buffet style, the cost is £12.00, cash if possible, but cards will be taken if required.  Please ensure you register at the payment station as you come into the Millennium Lounge before taking your seat.

The breakfast starts promptly at 8.00 to finish at 9.00, please arrive around 7.45 to collect a coffee or tea from the drinks station.  With the increased number of guests an early arrival does help to smooth entry.

For newcomers who might be interested in attending, please contact me.

For our regular attendees, if you are unable to attend, please give me your apology by midday, by replying to this email, the Thursday prior to the breakfast, the number I submit is what can be charged for.  I do hope to see you there.

Our August speaker on the 12th is Catherine Butcher, a Lay-.Reader at St John’s Church, Eastbourne.

God Bless
(M) 07808 731166
(H) 01323 749329

Events at Glyndley Manor – July

  • TRANSFORM: A 20-day reflective retreat

1 – 20 July 2023

Transform is Ellel’s longest retreat-style event which aims to help you live your life as God intended.

It is for anyone who is serious about finding God’s way for their life. It is a carefully laid out programme, designed to allow you to get the best out of your time investment. There will be lots of opportunity to receive through the team that will come alongside you. There will be plenty of time for fun, fellowship, many, and varied activities but most importantly also time to be with God and to hear from His heart.























21 – 22 JUL 2023

We are facing constant, unprecedented, and forceful challenges of secular opinion towards personal identity and sexuality. Maybe you, like many others, are left with very real and honest questions about God’s design for us as sexual beings, possibly even afraid to voice your thoughts or opinions.

This course explores the scriptural foundation for human sexuality as God intended it to be. It will look at the importance and significance of the biblical covenant of marriage, the power of boundaries and will explain how sexual expression outside of this has consequences not just on our lives, but all those connected to us.

The focus of the course is to bring clarity on the heart of God for those looking for healing and restoration. We will look at His offer to bring cleansing, break ungodly bondages and the joy of walking in purity, regardless of past or present struggles.


8 AUG |  7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

God wants to revive us!

He knows our weaknesses and struggles. He knows that we often feel stuck and unable to move forward in our Christian walk. He knows we can’t fix it on our own and He knows the shame we often feel for struggling in the first place.



By choosing any or all of these evening events you will start to discover:

  • the core biblical principles behind Christian healing ministry
  • how inner healing profoundly empowers our walk with God.
  • all the different teachings and residential retreats that Ellel Ministries offers.



Doors are open at 7.00pm, and each evening will begin at 7.30pm with a time of worship. There will be a short teaching and an opportunity to respond to the Lord during a time of prayer.


After the meeting there will be time for refreshments with the evening closing 9.30pm.


Hearing God in Our Captivity

Sometimes in life we end up hemmed in, feeling imprisoned even, either because of the choices we have made or because we just end up in circumstances we have not chosen for ourselves.   

 On this Quiet Day, 28th June, at Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre, we are going to give space to the Lord and His Holy Spirit to speak into the circumstances of our lives. We shall be inviting Him to breathe the fresh, life-giving and creative power of His Spirit into our lives and situations. As 2 Corinthians 3v17 says, ‘Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!’

 If you need a fresh touch of God on your life at this time do come and join us!

Quiet Days cost £30 per person and include morning and afternoon refreshments and a two course lunch.  Alternatively, the Quiet Day can be attended online via Zoom for only £10.

Book by calling 01424 830204 or


Holy Trinity Celebrate 40 years of Toddler Work

HT Mouse celebrates 40 years!

On Saturday 17th June, HT Mouse, the cheeky mousey mascot of HT Club, (Holy Trinity Church, Eastbourne Toddler Group) will be celebrating 40 years of welcoming pre-school children and their parents and carers to the weekly Tuesday morning group. Initially set up by the Rev Ken Blyth in 1983, it has been running continually for the last 40 years. If you, or anyone you know, attended the group at any time over the years, please do come along and help us as we celebrate and thank God for 40 years of HT Club!

From 11am – 1pm, there will be fun for everyone, including a Bouncy Castle, face painting, ice creams, singing and puppets! Bring picnic food to share.

Booking is essential, so contact, ring Holy Trinity’s Church Office, 01323 736627 or visit

Please spread the word and tell anyone you know, as we would love to meet those who have attended the group at any point over the years!


Crowhurst Seeks Volunteers

Have you some spare time or expertise you could offer to Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre?  Have you ever wondered what opportunities are on offer there and how people become part of the CCHC volunteer community?

If so, you are invited to find out more at CCHC’s “Exploring Volunteering” morning on Monday 5th June from 10am.  They will also be ‘Zooming’ the event too, so please ask them for the Zoom codes if you can’t be there in person.

10am: A service to consider volunteer work and pray
11am: Refreshments
11.15am: Presentations and discussion about volunteering at CCHC followed by Q&A

Please let them know that you are coming by calling 01424 830204 or by emailing

Riding Lights Could Bring The Word to Eastbourne

Inspired …the Word into action
This show was commissioned by the Archbishop of Wales to help reinvigorate understanding of, and love for, the bible and toured in Wales in Autumn 2022.

Riding Lights is delighted to be supported by the Bible Society to bring INSPIRED … the word into action back on tour for Autumn 2023. This play will take a big Genesis-to-Revelation sweep through some key themes (if not all 66 books!). The whirlwind trip through this No. 1 selling library starts in the Gorgeous Gardens of Eden (an area of outstanding natural beauty), and travels via historic encounters and blockbusting stories about men, women and God before finishing with a widescreen glimpse into the end of time.

This is a show that is alive with insight and wonder. We want every audience member to leave with a renewed sense of the riches to be found in their Bible and a hunger to know more.

Information for Churches
Riding Lights shows take place because of the vision of local organisers who make performances happen in their own communities. This show will be touring from September 18 – November 18, 2023. For more information about the show, including all the practical details of booking the show, please see the attached pdf below
