Creativity, Prayer, Restoration and More – Ellel Courses in October

For more on all these courses click here


6 – 7 OCT 


Creative expression is all around us, not just in art but in engineering, science and maths as well! Made in the image of our Creator God, we are all creative and our human spirits thrive when being able to express our inner self through creative expression.

Allowing such expression of our inner-self, in a safe family atmosphere, opens the doors to God’s gentle but profound healing as we allow him to access the deep recesses of our hearts where words are not enough to express long-forgotten pain.

This course provides time to discover the joy of being creative in a non-threatening way with a wide array of creative workshops to try. There are no expectations of producing something – but you may be surprised at what you can achieve with the encouragement and guidance of our talented creativity team.

With heart-to-heart teaching and plenty of time for creative workshops, this is not so much a course as an experience of God!


10 OCT 2023, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

A Series of Free Evening Courses Held at Each UK Centre


God wants to revive us!

He knows our weaknesses and struggles. He knows that we often feel stuck and unable to move forward in our Christian walk. He knows we can’t fix it on our own and He knows the shame we often feel for struggling in the first place.

Revive is a series of free evening events available for anyone to attend. Held at each of our UK centres, they are for those who want to grow in their relationship with God, to find new life in Him and to then share that life with others.

By choosing any or all of these evening events you will start to discover:

  • the core biblical principles behind Christian healing ministry
  • how inner healing profoundly empowers our walk with God.
  • all the different teachings and residential retreats that Ellel Ministries offers.



13 – 14 OCT 


Some things in life impact us deeper than others. In fact, sometimes the things we go through can have such a profound impact on our human spirit that they shape the way we live, behave and relate to others, including God.

This course is designed to explore the function and purpose of our human spirit which brings revelation that opens doors to healing opportunities never explored before.

Based on biblical examples, we will look at how our human spirits can be damaged in various ways. It will also challenge our responses to this damage that can cause us ongoing hurt, pain and life struggles, often leaving us with a sense of constant inner distress and overwhelm.

Looking at how our human spirit encompasses our God-given identity, our creativity and the place of connection with God, this is a vital topic that can radically change how you approach dealing with the issues you face in life.

With this shift of understanding, Jesus can enter into the very core and deep places of our hearts to outpour his healing, bringing true and lasting transformation of our lives.


Identifying and moving on from the deeper reasons for your life issues

20 – 22 OCT


As with weeds in a garden, there are issues in life that you may keep trying to deal with but somehow, they keep rising up again, which can cause frustration, overwhelming guilt, shame and a myriad of additional issues which just makes the situation worse.

Addictions, physical sickness, relationship problems and many more issues can be the bane of your life, but they are not the primary issue, they are an expression of a deeper concern.

This course seeks to investigate beyond the presenting issues and looks to the roots that can hold us into these struggles. With a compassionate and non-judgemental approach, it seeks to bring clarity to why you have the problems that you face daily in your life as well a Biblical understanding of Gods heart and pathway for moving into a life of freedom.




Learning how to help people more effectively through prayer ministry.

27 – 31 OCT


Knowing how to pray effectively into a person’s healing needs is a vital key to helping people move forward into freedom. Yet people are complex beings and their healing needs often seem just as complex. It can be hard to know where to start untangling the issues, what to pray for first or even how to pray at all.

This course aims to equip Christians to minister more effectively to friends, family or people in their local church by providing a cohesive and comprehensive overview of the common needs you are likely to come across. Drawing together over thirty years of Ellel’s personal ministry experience, this course teaches you not just the theory but, more importantly, the value and significance of praying in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

The week will be split into three main focusses:

Part A will provide a solid framework of guidelines for ministry.

Part B will look at specific issues that are commonly encountered in ministry.

Part C will put into practice the principles learned.

Find out more at

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