Advent Quiet Day at Crowhurst – December 5th

Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre invite you to an Advent Quiet Day “Treasures in the Darkness – Holding the light for those we support” le by Revd Steve Gurr on Tuesday 5th December.  Being in a place of darkness or despair is often an overwhelming, frightening, and disorientating experience for people. It can feel never-ending and hopeless – like there is no way out.  For Christians who come alongside those who find themselves in darkness, we can be overcome by our concern for the spiritual wellbeing of others or feel concerned that we are unable to help. The backdrop of the Advent season will provide the context for our reflections together.  Steve is an Anglican priest and spiritual director who has worked in parishes, hospice chaplaincy and is currently Chaplain at HMP Ford in West Sussex.  The day will run from 10am – 4pm and costs £30 per person to include a 2 course lunch, refreshments and cake.

Book by calling 01424 830204 or

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