Eastbourne Mothers Union to Protest Gender Based Violence and Abuse

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and Abuse begins on 25th November until 10th December, calling for an end to violence and abuse around the world. Please join our Global day, hosted at All Saints’ Church Centre on Saturday 25th November from 11am for refreshments followed by a Service at 11.30am. and possibly a Speaker from our local Refuge – if not, a member of our church family is reading a prepared talk from Restored – Christian Charity working with Survivors of Domestic Abuse in the Church. There will be a retiring collection for the local Refuge and the opportunity to bring toiletries for the women and children. Do wear something purple too, if possible.

Assembling outside at 12.45pm we will be marching up the pavement with our banners to the Town Hall to hold a minute’s silence at 1.03pm for the 1 in 3 women around the world who are victims of violence and abuse. Either dispersing from there, or for those who would like to, we will return to All Saints’ Church Centre for refreshments and packed lunch. I have a friend attending who is a brilliant photographer, so look forward to recording the event! Our local Christian MP is hoping to join us at the Town Hall.

A red chair will be in Church during these 16 Days to serve as a visual symbol of the lives lost to gender-based violence, globally.

Mothers’ Union has launched their new campaign RISE UP Against Domestic Abuse campaign and aims to play its part in combating domestic abuse, 365 days a year, through awareness raising, resources, and support for those affected by domestic abuse, as well as fostering a culture of empathy and empowerment within our churches and communities.

RISE UP is an acronym for Respond, Inform, Support, Empower, Unite and Pray.

• Posters from Mothers’ Union’s website about domestic abuse with details of their local domestic abuse helpline are now displayed on the back of our Church toilet doors.
• Please commit to pray for those affected by domestic abuse, including victims, survivors, perpetrators and those who work in the field of domestic abuse
• We have connected with our local domestic abuse support organisation, Clarion Housing Group, and are offering to provide money vouchers and collect items based on their needs.

For more information about Global Day and Mothers’ Union “Rise Up Against Domestic Abuse” challenge or our other work, including how to become a member of our movement, please visit our website at www.mothersunion.org or contact Kathryn Anderson on 07932720747.

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