We Seek Your Kingdom – A whole-life worship song for your congregation

‘We Seek Your Kingdom’, a whole-life worship song to the tune of much-loved hymn ‘Abide With Me’, written by Noel Robinson, Andy Flannagan, and Graham Hunter, inspires us to see our daily tasks through God’s eyes – and live out the prayer ‘your kingdom come’ in every part of life.

Commissioned by LICC and Thy Kingdom Come, it’s an encouragement and a call to action – a declaration that each of us can join in God’s kingdom work right where we are.

And a prayer that through ordinary Christians like you and me, God would transform, revive, and heal our society.

Hear the song and find out more here

Make Lunch Request for August Volunteers

The Well Community Church and St Barnabas URC have been running MakeLunch @ St B’s for 3 years this summer. MakeLunch is an initiative of TLG (Transforming Lives for Good) which partners with local churches to provide free hot meals in the holidays for children who would receive Free School Meals in term time.

During the pandemic MakeLunch @ St B’s adapted to the restrictions by delivering hot food to families who applied. Now they are looking forward to being back in person at St Barnabas, welcoming families into the building.

Children do a craft activity while parents have a cup of tea or coffee. The hot meal is served on tables as all the families and volunteers sit together to eat. A delicious pudding follows with everyone then contributing to clearing the tables and packing away.

Julie Smith, the MakeLunch coordinator, is passionate about the project. “Feeding hungry people is something that Jesus did and that He tells us to do in Matthew 25. Churches are good at food! MakeLunch is a really practical, tangible way of meeting a physical need and demonstrating God’s love”

For this summer holiday MakeLunch @ St B’s are running on Tuesdays and Thursdays in August. If anyone would like to volunteer, please contact Julie about the application process. Help is needed in the kitchen, setting up tables, craft, serving food, washing up and clearing away. Also if any churches would like more information about starting a MakeLunch kitchen, please get in touch with Julie or TLG directly to find out more.

Julie – Julie.s@twcc.church


Urgent Request for Carer Accomodation

Is it possible to circulate this urgent need for accommodation?

We have got to know a mature couple who are sincere Christian Believers who have come over from Israel to support an elderly Christian man who is very sick. Members of Holy Trinity have been able to host them for a couple of months but they have now needed to move out and although secure until Sunday 4th July, they need somewhere beyond then? They are happy to pay rent for any accommodation while they continue to care for this elderly gentleman?  Please contact Holy Trinity Church Office on 736627 or office@hteastbourne.org.uk.
Thank you for any assistance in spreading the word!
Kind regards

Liz Edwards
Church Office Manager
Safeguarding Officer
Tel: 01323 736627

Linking Lives Eastbourne Needs Volunteers

Linking Lives Eastbourne is seeking new volunteers to add to the 60 people from around 20 churches who help other with a weekly phone call. They need some male volunteers following several local male referrals.  This is part of a wider need for support for those enduring loneliness or social isolation. There is now a waiting list. Could you help with a weekly phone call? Find out more at the link below.

Glyndley Manor Hosts Restoration Week

News from Ellel Ministries. We welcome back our Restoration Week titled ‘Rescue from Rejection’ which we are greatly looking forward to. It commences on the 19th to the 25th of July and looks at the effect of past rejection & how it can blight our life and rob us of joy and confidence and how we can receive God’s healing on this special Restoration Week. For the first three days of the Restoration Week, the focus is on teaching, as well as creativity workshops, where you can experiment with new ideas, and times of fellowship. After a free day on Sunday for rest, personal time and assimilation of the teaching, the second half of the week is made up of short teaching sessions with time to receive personal prayer ministry after each session. If you are interested in this course and would like some more information, please click on the link or go to our website, https://ellel.org/uk/events/2021/07/restoration-week-rescue-from-rejection

We have all experienced different types of experiences & challenges this year and we hope you will find our next Free Teaching Day of some benefit, titled ‘Facing Fear in an uncertain world’ is taking place on the 18th of August This course will look at what does God say about fear and anxiety, how it impacts our daily life and what it means to trust in Him. He longs to show us the freedom that is in Him when we can learn to fully trust Him and bring the worries of our heart to Him

Join us on this special one day event, as we learn more of the Father’s heart, who longs to show us the truth of who He is – our strong shelter, our safe tower, the anchor for our life. For more information please follow the link, https://ellel.org/uk/events/2021/10/free-teaching-day-facing-fear-in-an-uncertain-world

Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast Will Have Eastbourne Outpost

On Friday 25 June from 8.00–8.45 am the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast will take place online. Have you registered for the event yet? It’s free and open to all! Join with MPs, Peers and church leaders to pray for our Parliament, government and politics, taking time to reflect on the relevance of the Christian faith to public life.

‘Life Beyond Covid: A Renewed Hope’ is the theme of this year’s National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast which is once again being livestreamed on Friday 25 June from 8:00am-8:45am. It will be chaired by The Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP and we are delighted to welcome The Rt Revd Professor NT Wright who will give the keynote address. There will also be prayers led by parliamentarians and hymns with special guest singers.
The purpose of the event is to be a thought-provoking Christian witness to all parliamentarians, to inspire church leaders and parliamentarians about the relevance of the Christian faith to politics and to foster closer relationships between MPs and church leaders.

You may want to think about joining in with the local Eastbourne expression. Kings Church will host a screening of the London event and then we will pray with a local focus in mind. It is anticipated that local MP Caroline Ansell will be in attendance.

The Eastbourne event will follow the usual Covid guidelines with face coverings and social distancing. You are asked to pre-book for the Eastbourne version using this link.  https://kingseastbourne.churchsuite.co.uk/events/a8ciflqc

But that’s not all, when you register to attend the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, you’ll be invited to a selection of free webinars also happening throughout the day. The Bible Society webinar , Re-imagining Mission, takes place from 10.00–11.00 am and they would love you to come!

Alongside leading Christian theologians, thinkers and practitioners, we’ll be looking at the changes to the missional landscape wrought by the pandemic and addressing the question: how do we encourage one another in a prophetic re-imagining of mission? 


Crowhurst to host Youth, Family and Children’s Worker Retreat

Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre welcomes day visitors Monday to Friday (8.30am-3.30pm). 

Visitors can enjoy our grounds, prayer walks, attend a service of worship at 10am, receive prayer from and order food and drink from our Howard’s Well café.  We also have FREE bookable quiet rooms available for anyone who would benefit from some quiet space here (to book a room call 01424 830204).


Relaunch – a bespoke retreat for Youth, Family and Children’s Workers

Wednesday 25th August (PM) to Saturday 28th August (PM)

Book before the 30th June at the early bird price of £190 which includes accommodation and all meals.

At Crowhurst we recognise that some time away to re-focus on God and His priorities for ministry is essential.  This summer we are offering space to be with God on our bespoke retreat “Re-launch”.  Re-Launch will have a focus on ‘Being in the glory of God, working in the glory of God and bringing in the glory of God’.

We are thrilled that Rev Daniel Miles will be leading the retreat.  He has a heart for prayer ministry and for seeing the power of God move in people’s lives through healing miracles and the prophetic.

To book call 01424 830204 or https://www.crowhursthealing.org.uk/retreat.php?retreat=588

Foodbank’s Howard Wardle Awarded MBE

Howard Wardle was given the honour for his services to the community in Eastbourne as chief executive and founder of the town’s foodbank.

Mr Wardle said, “I must admit I am quite shocked and surprised.

“They rang about two weeks ago to ask if I would be interested in accepting it and I said, ‘What? Who? Me? You have got it wrong!’ And they said, ‘No, you.’

Read more in the Eastbourne Herald

New Hope Baptist Welcome New Pastor

New Hope welcome their new Pastor Rev Peterson Anand on the 3rd July. The Induction Service will be on Saturday 17th July at 3pm.
The preacher is Rev Graeme Ross the EBA Regional Minister and the service led by Rev Dennis Nolan our local Moderator.

We would normally invite everyone to such an occasion but as you will realise that is difficult on this occasion. When we hear what the Government restrictions will be we will send out further information.

Supporting Christian Communities in the Middle East

Walk, cycle, run or swim the virtual 84-mile pilgrimage route from Bethlehem to Nazareth.

Click here for the challenge page and click “register” to join in!

  • Take part on your own or as a team and do a few miles each day or week.
  • Log your progress on the virtual map and see where you’ve got to along the route. Have a look around with Google streetview!
  • Hear some unique inside stories from local Christian communities as you make your way to Nazareth.

Follow the instructions to set up your own fundraising page and you’re ready to go!