Ellel Grange Invites You to Explore Transformation – June 4-5th
Explore is a series of weekend courses designed to train and equip God’s people through a journey of learning, understanding and personal transformation.
Together we will find that there is hope and help for the issues we struggle with in everyday life – issues of anxiety, stress, physical pain, emotional distress, problems in relationships, addictive behaviour and depression to name just a few.
Those who journey through Explore will grow in their personal relationship with the Lord but also become better equipped to help others as they learn how to minister in the love and power of God to those in need.
Each of the events in the series will include time for worship, biblical teaching, group discussion, activities, personal reflection and opportunity for prayer.
New Hope Seeks Temporary Accommodation For New Pastor
On the 1st July we welcome our new Pastor, Rev Peterson Anand, but have a problem in that having let our manse out we now have to give the tenant 6 months notice due to Covid regulations.
We are therefore looking for a short let of 3/4months on a temporary home for him and his wife.
If you have property or are in touch with any group who do, we would be pleased to hear from you.
Many thanks.
Colin Marchant
No Longer Rubbish story from local Baptist church worker going around the world
No Longer Rubbish!- by Erik Cornelisse
When lockdown started, March last year, I started thinking what my legacy would be if and when we would come out the other end. Our daughter encouraged me to get this little story published, which I have told around Europe and in local schools and churches for many a year. A story of discovering that inside a stinking mess, something beautiful can be hidden away. That inside each person who is struggling, something to admire can be found. A story of a boy and his favourite teddy, a story of a teddy found at the dump, a story of loving … the unlovable!
After a difficult and painful journey, on the 21st February this year .. I became a bonafide, published children’s author. Copies of No Longer Rubbish! have now been used for Baptism classes in churches in Drax (indeed, I’d never heard of it either), Middlesbrough, Nottingham and other towns. We also produced a video version for ‘virtual assemblies’ with introductions by the lovely Janet Mottram. Schools in Hailsham, Gloucester, Coventry, Sydney (as in Australia!) and other places have already used this. Copies have been sent to a library in Romania (as a tool to teach English under Roma children) as well as India and State side. At Easter we donated copies for every resident at Bernhard Baron Home and Cottages and the feedback has been amazing. In July, a church in Danehill will use it for their Holiday club where I have been invited to do a book presentation and signing (it’s all still feeling rather strange).
Please pray for this little, true story to touch more lives than I could ever imagine or pray for.
Further details can be found here: https://no-longer-rubbish.company.site/
Local Designer Launching ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ Bible Board Game
A Bible game about the books of the Bible and how they interrelate. Play with up to 12 people and win the Pearl of Great Price
Covid-19: Christians must be at the forefront when it comes to recovery and healing
Following COVID-19 we need to begin by asking: “How do we best care for our communities, including the people in our church?” We should also ask how we help people cope with ongoing uncertainty. COVID-19 is going to be a part of life for a long time; we can expect some restrictions and practical challenges to remain for months and even years. So how do we, as the Church, help people to cope with the anxiety and loneliness that this has already caused and will continue to produce?
Faith Groups and Local Authorities During The Pandemic
On 5th November 2020, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Faith and Society launched their latest report. Almost six months on, we wanted to remind you of the findings from this important report and give you an update on the activity that has occurred since its launch.
Keeping the Faith was a report conducted by researchers at Goldsmiths, University of London, with the aim of evaluating how local authorities had worked with faith communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. In short, their survey of 194 local authorities found that collaboration between local authorities and faith communities had increased drastically.
Could your church have a bigger role in your community post-covid?
New research reveals that churches could have a bigger role in their communities as we recover from the pandemic. People who don’t attend church regularly were asked what they have missed while places of worship were closed. The results may surprise you as Dr Dee Dyas told Esther Higham. Listen here
Oikos App Will Help You Pray for Every Home
God who is good and who uses all things for good has not been on lockdown. Through lockdown and daily walks God is calling us out of the church building and back to our homes, neighbours and communities. Now we believe he wants us to pray for them.
Find out more at https://www.hopeforeveryhome.org/Groups/336728/Hope_for_Every.aspx
Prayer Breakfast in Parliament – 25 June – Online
The National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast 2021 Online, will be livestreamed on Friday 25 June from 8:00-8:45am.
The event will include prayers led by parliamentarians, hymns led by special guest singers and a keynote address by The Rt Revd Professor NT Wright.
As we start to think about life beyond the coronavirus pandemic, we want to bring together parliamentarians, church leaders and Christians from across the UK to pray for our country, parliament, government and politics, and reflect on the message of renewed hope that the Christian Faith brings to our society.
Following the event, our principal partner Bible Society will be hosting a webinar for church leaders from 10:00-11:00am, titled ‘Re-imagining Mission’, and this will be followed by a programme of webinars hosted by our partners from 11:00am-3:00pm.
Everything is free to attend, but you must register via the Christians in Parliament website in order to receive access.
If you are a church leader, please consider if you could organise a local event for other church leaders and your MP to watch the Breakfast together (subject to government restrictions at the time) and to discuss ways that you can work in partnership to support people locally. Find out more information about organising a local constituency breakfast here.
More information is available on the Christians in Parliament website.